Dr Andrew Chanerley
Dr Andrew Chanerley
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Cited by
Obtaining estimates of the low-frequency ‘fling’, instrument tilts and displacement timeseries using wavelet decomposition
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 8, 231-255, 2010
Correcting data from an unknown accelerometer using recursive least squares and wavelet de-noising
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
Computers & structures 85 (21-22), 1679-1692, 2007
Obtaining spectrum matching time series using a Reweighted Volterra Series Algorithm (RVSA)
NA Alexander, AA Chanerley, AJ Crewe, S Bhattacharya
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (4), 1663-1673, 2014
Concerning baseline errors in the form of acceleration transients when recovering displacements from strong motion records using the undecimated wavelet transform
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander, J Berrill, H Avery, B Halldorsson, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103 (1), 283-295, 2013
The Canterbury accelerograph network (CanNet) and some results from the September 2010, M 7.1 Darfield earthquake
J Berrill, H Avery, M Dewe, A Chanerley, N Alexander, C Dyer, C Holden, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering …, 2011
An approach to seismic correction which includes wavelet de-noising
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
Proceedings of the sixth conference on computational structures technology …, 2002
On fling and baseline correction using quadrature mirror filters
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander, B Halldorsson
12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental …, 2009
A review of procedures used for the correction of seismic data
NA Alexander, AA Chanerley, N Goorvadoo
Sept 19th-21st, 2001, Eisenstadt-Vienna, Austria, Proc of the 8th …, 2001
Using the total least squares method for seismic correction of recordings from unknown instruments
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
Advances in Engineering Software 39 (10), 849-860, 2008
Extreme near-fault strong-motion of the M6. 3 Ölfus earthquake of 29 May 2008 in South Iceland
B Halldorsson, R Sigbjörnsson, R Rupakhety, AA Chanerley
14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14ECEE), Ohrid …, 2010
Near-fault strong-motion array recordings of the Mw6. 3 Ölfus earthquake on 29 May 2008 in Iceland
B Halldórsson, R Sigbjörnsson, AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (9USN …, 2010
Baseline correction made easier using an automated method based on the wavelet transform
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander, B Halldorsson, R Sigbjornsson, ...
9th US ational and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering …, 2010
Effects of orientation to the epicentre on the response of long span bridges subject to multiple support excitation using SMART-1 array data and corroborative experimental results
NA Alexander, J Norman, D Virden, A Crewe, D Wagg, AA Chanerley
Proc. 8th Nat. Conf. on Earthquake Eng, 2006
A new parametric storey non-linearity including hysteresis behaviour in the dynamic analysis of buildings under bi-directional seismic action
NA Alexander, N Goorvadoo, FA Noor, AA Chanerley
Computational civil and structural engineering, 169-176, 2000
Wavelet domain seismic correction
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
Encycl Earthq Eng, 1-26, 2015
A novel approach to producing spectrum compatible ground motions using Volterra series. SECED 2015 Conference-Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World …
NA Alexander, AA Chanerley, AJ Crewe, S Bhattacharya
Recovering displacements and transients from digital strong motion records using the wavelet transform
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, 2012
Automated Baseline Correction, Fling and Displacement Estimates from the Chi-Chi Earthquake using the Wavelet Transform
AA Chanerley, NA Alexander
9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology Athens …, 2008
Novel Seismic Correction approaches without instrument data, using adaptive methods and de-noising
A Chanerley, N Alexander
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2004
Recovering ground displacement and velocity time series using wavelet decomposition
A Chanerley, NA Alexander, B Halldorsson
ISSEE2009 International Symposium on Strong-motion Earthquake Effects, 2009
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Articles 1–20