Cited by
Cited by
Working with the parents and families of children with developmental language disorders: An international perspective
J Law, P Levickis, IR Rodríguez-Ortiz, A Matić, R Lyons, C Messarra, ...
Journal of communication disorders 82, 105922, 2019
Age of acquisition of 299 words in seven languages: American English, Czech, Gaelic, Lebanese Arabic, Malay, Persian and Western Armenian
M Łuniewska, Z Wodniecka, CA Miller, F Smolík, M Butcher, ...
PloS one 14 (8), e0220611, 2019
Assessing Lebanese bilingual children: The use of cross-linguistic lexical tasks in Lebanese Arabic
C Khoury Aouad Saliby, C Dos Santos, E Kouba Hreich, C Messarra
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 31 (11-12), 874-892, 2017
Validation in Arabic of the revised autistic behavior summarized evaluation scale (BSE-R). Encephale
E Hreich, C Messarra, S Roux, C Barthélémy, S Richa
Speech pathology intervention for autistic children in Lebanon: status, needs and perspectives.
E Kouba-Hreich, G Henri, A Megarbane
Le Journal medical libanais. The Lebanese medical journal 49 (3), 130-131, 2001
Cultural and linguistic practice with children with developmental language disorder: Findings from an international practitioner survey
M Stankova, IR Rodríguez-Ortiz, A Matić, P Levickis, R Lyons, C Messarra, ...
Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica 73 (6), 465-477, 2021
Batterie d’Evaluation du Langage Oral chez l’enfant libanais (ELO-L)
R Zebib, A Khomsi, G Henri, C Messarra, E Hreich, L Dahdah, Z Attieh
Paris: ECPA, 2017
Estimating the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in Lebanon
S Richa, R Khoury, J JRouhayem, R Chammay, F Kazour, RB Khalil, ...
L'encephale 46 (6), 414-419, 2020
Supporting language development in Lebanese preschools: SLT and pre‐KT practice and perception of roles
E Kouba Hreich, C Moitel Messarra, T Martinez‐Perez, S Richa, C Maillart
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 55 (6), 988-1004, 2020
ELO-L: A Norm-Referenced Language Screening Test for 3 to 8-Year-Old Lebanese Children.
R Zebib, G Henry, C Messarra, EK Hreich, A Khomsi
Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics 4 (2), 24-53, 2019
Evaluation du langage oral chez l’enfant libanais: ELO-L
R Zebib, G Henry, A Khomsi, C Messarra, E Hreich
Antelias: Liban Tests Editions.[Academic Search], 2017
Validation en arabe de l’Échelle d’Évaluation des Comportements Autistiques, version Révisée (ECA-R)
EK Hreich, C Messarra, S Roux, C Barthélémy, S Richa
L'Encéphale 43 (5), 451-456, 2017
Promoting early language development in the Arab world and Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 10 and 17
G Khattab, AGS Abdelwahab, K Al-Shdifat, Z Alsiddiqi, C Floccia, ...
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 25 (1), 96-101, 2023
Post‐natal short stature, short limbs, brachydactyly, facial abnormalities, and delayed bone age: A new syndrome?
A Mégarbané, S Rassi, F Estephan, E Kouba‐Hreich
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 125 (1), 57-60, 2004
Effects of a Professional Development Program Designed by Speech-Language Pathologists Targeting the Use of Vocabulary Strategies in Preschool Teachers: A Pilot Study.
E Kouba Hreich, C Messarra, T Martinez-Perez, C Maillart
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology 46 (4), 2022
C Messarra, EK Hreich
Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder, 310-317, 2019
Plurilinguisme au Liban: étude exploratoire du lexique des enfants avec TSA et méthodologie de l'évaluation
C dos Santos, EK Hreich
Troubles du spectre de l’autisme: recherche et orthophonie, 533-563, 2019
Lexical development in monolingual, bilingual and trilingual Lebanese preschool children: the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors
C dos Santos, S Kern, CKA Saliby, EK Hreich, CM Messarra
XVIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 2024), 2024
Examining barriers and enablers to language enriching early education and care at systems, structural and process levels in Lebanon
C McKean, C Jack, N Haddad Moussa, R Bassaj Hamadi, C Messara, ...
Rôle des éducateurs et des orthophonistes dans le soutien au développement langagier en crèches au Liban: représentations et sentiment de compétence
CM Messara, EK Hreich, TM Perez, C Maillart
Glossa, 40-71, 2023
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Articles 1–20