MIchal Makos
MIchal Makos
Climate Geology Department, University of Warsaw
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Quaternary stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Poland
L Marks, J Dzierżek, R Janiszewski, J Kaczorowski, L Lindner, A Majecka, ...
Acta Geologica Polonica 66 (3), 403-427, 2016
Deglaciation chronology and paleoclimate of the Pięciu Stawów Polskich/Roztoki Valley, high Tatra Mountains, Western Carpathians, since the Last Glacial Maximum, inferred from …
M Makos, J Nitychoruk, M Zreda
Quaternary International 293, 63-78, 2013
Timing of glacier advances and climate in the High Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians) during the Last Glacial Maximum
M Makos, J Dzierżek, J Nitychoruk, M Zreda
Quaternary Research 82 (1), 1-13, 2014
Last Glacial Maximum and Lateglacial in the Polish High Tatra Mountains-Revised deglaciation chronology based on the 10Be exposure age dating
M Makos, V Rinterknecht, R Braucher, A Tołoczko-Pasek, M Arnold, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 187, 130-156, 2018
Late Pleistocene climate of Poland in the mid-European context
L Marks, M Makos, M Szymanek, B Woronko, J Dzierżek, A Majecka
Quaternary International 504, 24-39, 2019
Deglaciation of the high Tatra mountains
M Makos
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 41 (2), 317-335, 2015
The Y ounger D ryas climatic conditions in the Z a M nichem V alley (P olish H igh T atra M ountains) based on exposure‐age dating and glacier‐climate modelling
M Makos, J Nitychoruk, M Zreda
Boreas 42 (3), 745-761, 2013
Last glacial maximum climatic conditions in the polish part of the high Tatra Mountains (Western carpathians)
M Makos, J Nitychoruk
Geological Quarterly 55, 253-268, 2011
Glacial chronology and palaeoclimate in the Bystra catchment, Western Tatra Mountains (Poland) during the Late Pleistocene
M Makos, V Rinterknecht, R Braucher, M Żarnowski, Aster Team
Quaternary Science Reviews 134, 74-91, 2016
A multiproxy record of the Younger Holsteinian Oscillation (YHO) in the Ossówka profile, eastern Poland
J Nitychoruk, K Bińka, E Sienkiewicz, M Szymanek, M Chodyka, M Makos, ...
Boreas 47 (3), 855-868, 2018
The tatra mountains: glacial landforms from the last glacial maximum
J Zasadni, P Kłapyta, M Makos
European Glacial Landscapes, 435-440, 2022
Dzier zek, J., Nitychoruk, J., Zreda, M., 2014. Timing of glacier advances and climate in the High Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians) during the Last Glacial Maximum
M Makos
Quat. Res 82 (1), 0
Rekonstrukcja geometrii powierzchni lodowców z maksimum ostatniego zlodowacenia (LGM) w polskich Tatrach Wysokich (zlewnie Roztoki i Rybiego Potoku)
M Makos, Ł Nowacki
Przegląd Geologiczny 57 (1), 72-79, 2009
Dzier¿ ek, J., Majecka, A., 2019
L Marks, M Makos, M Szymanek, B Woronko
Late Pleis to cene cli mate of Po land in the mid-Eu ro pean con text. Qua …, 0
The Tatra Mountains: glacial landforms prior to the Last Glacial Maximum
J Zasadni, P Kłapyta, P Kałuża, M Makos
European Glacial Landscapes, 271-275, 2022
The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during the deglaciation
J Zasadni, P Kłapyta, M Makos
European Glacial Landscapes, 157-164, 2023
Nizina Mazowiecka i obszary przyległe: 43 stanowiska geologiczne: przewodnik po geomorfologii i geologii czwartorzędu
J Dzierżek, E Kalińska-Nartiša, L Lindner, A Majecka, L Marks, ...
Wydział Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2015
The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during the Younger Dryas
J Zasadni, P Kłapyta, A Tołoczko-Pasek, M Makos
European Glacial Landscapes, 509-515, 2023
The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial
J Zasadni, P Kłapyta, M Makos
European Glacial Landscapes, 341-346, 2023
Glacial landscapes of the Tatra Mountains
J Zasadni, M Makos, P Kłapyta
European Glacial Landscapes, 103-107, 2022
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