Eko Hidayanto
Eko Hidayanto
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Aplikasi portable brix meter untuk pengukuran indeks bias
E Hidayanto, A Rofiq, H Sugito
Jurnal Berkala Fisika 13 (4), 113-118, 2010
Ag doped ZnO thin films synthesized by spray coating technique for methylene blue photodegradation under UV irradiation
H Sutanto, S Wibowo, I Nurhasanah, E Hidayanto, H Hadiyanto
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016 (1), 6195326, 2016
Produksi gas hydrogen menggunakan metode elektrolisis dari elektrolit air dan air laut dengan penambahan katalis NaOH
Y Wahyono, H Sutanto, E Hidayanto
Youngster Physics Journal 6 (4), 353-359, 2017
Analysis of Fe-doped ZnO thin films for degradation of rhodamine b, methylene blue, and Escherichia coli under visible light
H Sutanto, I Alkian, M Mukholit, AA Nugraha, E Hidayanto, ...
Materials Research Express 8 (11), 116402, 2021
Photocatalytic activity of cobalt-doped zinc oxide thin film prepared using the spray coating technique
H Sutanto, S Wibowo, H Hadiyanto, M Arifin, E Hidayanto
Materials Research Express 4 (7), 076409, 2017
Analisis dosis paparan radiasi pada instalasi radiologi dental panoramik
C Ancila, E Hidayanto
Youngster Physics Journal 5 (4), 441-450, 2016
Deposition of Ag 2~ 6 mol%-doped ZnO photocatalyst thin films by thermal spray coating method for E. coli bacteria degradation
H Sutanto, I Nurhasanah, E Hidayanto
Materials Science Forum 827, 3-6, 2015
Automated procedure for slice thickness verification of computed tomography images: Variations of slice thickness, position from iso‐center, and reconstruction filter
N Lasiyah, C Anam, E Hidayanto, G Dougherty
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 22 (7), 313-321, 2021
Rootlike Morphology of ZnO: Al Thin Film Deposited on Amorphous Glass Substrate by Sol‐Gel Method
H Sutanto, S Durri, S Wibowo, H Hadiyanto, E Hidayanto
Physics Research International 2016 (1), 4749587, 2016
Penentuan indeks bias dari konsentrasi sukrosa (C12H22O11) pada beberapa sari buah menggunakan portable brixmeter
TR Novestiana, E Hidayanto
Youngster Physics Journal 4 (2), 173-180, 2015
Analisis korelasi indeks bias dengan konsentrasi sukrosa beberapa jenis madu menggunakan portable brix meter
P Paramitasari, E Hidayanto
Youngster Physics Journal 2 (4), 191-198, 2013
Measurement of viscosity and sucrose concentration in aqueous solution using portable Brix meter
E Hidayanto, T Tanabe, J Kawai
Berkala Fisika 13 (2), 23-28, 2010
Characteristic of natural rubber as bolus material for radiotherapy
AS Supratman, H Sutanto, E Hidayanto, GW Jaya, SY Astuti, T Budiono, ...
Materials Research Express 5 (9), 095302, 2018
Penentuan Aktivitas 60Co dan 137Cs pada Sampel Unknown dengan Menggunakan Detektor HPGe
M Aziz, E Hidayanto, DD Lestari
Youngster Physics Journal 4 (2), 189-196, 2015
Kajian Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma Terhadap Susut Bobot Pada Buah Jambu Biji Merah Selama Masa Penyimpanan
M Akrom, E Hidayanto, S Susilo
Indonesian Journal of Physics Education 10 (1), 120687, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO: TiO2 nano composites thin films deposited on glass substrate by sol-gel spray coating technique
H Sutanto, I Nurhasanah, E Hidayanto, S Wibowo, H Hadiyanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1699 (1), 2015
Desain dan realisasi alat pengukur kandungan kolesterol dalam darah non-invasive
I Marhaendrajaya, E Hidayanto, Z Arifin, H Sutanto
Youngster Physics Journal 6 (3), 290-295, 2017
Characteristics of Bolus Using Silicone Rubber with Silica Composites for Electron Beam Radiotherapy
SY Astuti, H Sutanto, E Hidayanto, GW Jaya, AS Supratman, ...
Journal of Physics and Its Applications 1 (1), 24-27, 2018
Optical and microstructure of thin film of Ag-doped ZnO synthesized by sol-gel
H Sutanto, S Wibowo, I Nurhasanah, E Hidayanto
AIP Conference Proceedings 1755 (1), 2016
Deposisi Lapisan Tipis Foto Katalis Seng Oksida (ZnO) Berukuran Nano dengan Teknik Penyemprotan dan Aplikasinya untuk Pendegradasi Pewarna Methylene Blue
H Sutanto, I Nurhasanah, E Hidayanto, Z Arifin
Jurnal Fisika 3 (1), 2013
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Articles 1–20