Will Brehm
Cited by
Cited by
Hidden privatization of public education in Cambodia: Equity implications of private tutoring
WC Brehm, I Silova
Journal for educational research online 6 (1), 94-116, 2014
The public-private education system in Cambodia: The impact and implications of complementary tutoring
W Brehm, I Silova, M Tuot
From myths to models: the (re) production of world culture in comparative education
I Silova, WC Brehm
Globalisation, Societies and Education 13 (1), 8-33, 2015
The shifting boundaries of teacher professionalism: Education privatization (s) in the post-socialist education space
I Silova, WC Brehm
World yearbook of education 2013, 55-74, 2012
The structures and agents enabling educational corruption in Cambodia: Shadow education and the business of examinations
WC Brehm
The political economy of schooling in Cambodia: Issues of quality and equity …, 2016
The emergence of Cambodian civil society within global educational governance: A morphogenetic approach to agency and structure
DB Edwards Jr, WC Brehm
Journal of Education Policy 30 (2), 275-293, 2015
The Ignorant Donor: A Radical Reimagination of Aid, Development, and Education
WC Brehm, I Silova
Current Issues in Comparative Education 13 (1), 2010
Cambodia for sale: Everyday privatization in education and beyond
W Brehm
Routledge, 2021
The national politics of educational advocacy in the context of global governance: International funding and support for civil society engagement in Cambodia
DB Edwards Jr, WC Brehm, I Storen
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 48 (2), 171-188, 2018
Hidden privatization of public education in Cambodia: The impact and implications of private tutoring
WC Brehm, I Silova, M Tuot
Education Support Programme Working Paper Series 29, 2012
Enacting educational spaces: A landscape portrait of privatization in Cambodia
WC Brehm
HKU Theses Online (HKUTO), 2015
Comparative education as a political project
W Brehm
Comparative Education 59 (3), 362-378, 2023
Measuring what matters? mapping higher education internationalization in the Asia–Pacific
JH Williams, W Brehm, Y Kitamura
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development 23 (2), 65-80, 2021
Ethical Dilemmas in the Education Marketplace: Shadow Education, Political Philosophy, and Social (In)justice in Cambodia
WC Brehm, I Silova
Education, Privatisation, and Social Justice: Case studies from Africa …, 2014
For the love of knowledge: William W. Brickman and his comparative education
I Silova, WC Brehm
European Education 42 (2), 17-36, 2010
Ideologies inside textbooks
S Hagai, Y Kitamura, KV Ratha, WC Brehm
(Re) Constructing Memory: Education, Identity, and Conflict, 49-73, 2017
The contemporary landscape of education in Cambodia: Hybrid spaces of the “public” and “private”
WC Brehm
The handbook of contemporary Cambodia, 291-302, 2016
Podcasting and education: Reflections on the case of FreshEd
W Brehm
ECNU Review of Education 5 (4), 784-791, 2022
The is and the ought of knowing: Ontological observations on shadow education research in Cambodia
W Brehm
Southeast Asian Studies 6 (3), 485-503, 2017
Education and Geopolitics in a Changing Europe: Forty Years of Scholarship in European Education
I Silova, WC Brehm
European Education 41 (2), 7-30, 2009
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Articles 1–20