Muslim Salam
Muslim Salam
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Constraints faced by the farmers in adopting environmentally friendly farming practices
MA Salam
MS (Ag. Ext. Ed.) Thesis, 2003
Metodologi penelitian sosial kualitatif: menggugat doktrin kuantitatif
M Salam
Masagena Press, 2011
Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi from cocoa plant resistante VSD M. 05 and cocoa plant susceptible VSD M. 01 in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
N Amin, M Salam, M Junaid, A Asman, MS Baco
The causal-effect model of input factor allocation on maize production: Using binary logistic regression in search for ways to be more productive
M Salam, RM Rukka, MANK Samma, AN Tenriawaru, AI Muslim, HNB Ali, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 16, 101094, 2024
Metodologi kritik hadis
Bustamin, MIA Salam
RajaGrafindo Persada, 2004
Effect of App utilization on the agricultural efficiency of rural communities
WD Alzarliani, M Arsyad, M Salam, DAT Pulubuhu, AA Unde
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 235 (1), 012101, 2019
Determinants determining the adoption of technological innovation of urban farming: Employing binary logistic regression model in examining Rogers' framework
ET Yuniarsih, M Salam, MH Jamil, AN Tenriawaru
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 100307, 2024
Determinant factors affecting farmers’ income of rice farming in Indonesia
M Salam, AN Sari, R Bakri, M Arsyad, MH Jamil, AN Tenriawaru, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (1), 012115, 2019
Dialog paradigma metodologi penelitian sosial
M Salam
Masagena Press, 2011
Value chain analysis of Toraja coffee
M Salam, NM Viantika, A Amiruddin, FM Pinontoan, RA Rahmatullah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 681 (1), 012115, 2021
Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension on Paddy Rice Farmer’s Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
MH Jamil, N Tika, L Fudjaja, AN Tenriawaru, M Salam, M Ridwan, ...
Sustainability 15 (4), 3773, 2023
Peran pemuda startup dalam mendorong ekonomi daerah: sebuah penelitian grounded theory
A Dahlan, A Munir, M Salam
Jurnal Ekonomi 16 (2), 110-245, 2020
A study of human capital on institutional system of horticultural agribusiness
A Akbar, M Salam, M Arsyad, R Rahmadanih
E3S Web of Conferences 373, 04007, 2023
Analisis Risiko Produksi Usahatani Padi Di Pesisir Danau Tempe
R Mita, R Darma, R Rahmadani, M Salam, A Amrullah
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 16 (1), 61-70, 2020
Constraints Faced by the Farmers in Adopting Environmentally Friendly Farming Practices (unpublished master‟ s thesis)
MA Salam
Department of Agriculture Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural …, 2003
Efficiency analysis of using production factors in paddy rice farming in Macope Sub-District, Awangpone District, Bone Regency
R Bakri, M Salam, R Darma, RA Ansar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 807 (3), 032075, 2021
Poverty structure in Indonesian forest area: a comparative study on poverty structural causal model of forest and non-forest communities
M Salam
龍谷大学, 2006
Mediating role of leadership and group capital between human capital component and sustainability of horticultural agribusiness institutions in Indonesia
A Akbar, M Salam, M Arsyad, R Rahmadanih
Open Agriculture 9 (1), 20220250, 2024
The Role of Human Capital in Strengthening Horticultural Agribusiness Institutions: Evidence from Structural Equation Modeling.
M Salam, M Arsyad
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning 18 (9), 2023
Analisis pendapatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi usahatani jagung hibrida
M Salam, NS Amir, NM Viantika, L Fudjaja
Agromix 13 (2), 248-260, 2022
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Articles 1–20