Benjamin T. Cardenas
Benjamin T. Cardenas
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, Penn State
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Cited by
Stratigraphy and paleohydrology of delta channel deposits, Jezero crater, Mars
TA Goudge, D Mohrig, BT Cardenas, CM Hughes, CI Fassett
Icarus 301, 58-75, 2018
Fluvial stratigraphy of valley fills at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Evidence for base-level fluctuations controlled by a downstream water body
BT Cardenas, D Mohrig, TA Goudge
GSA Bulletin 130 (3-4), 484-498, 2018
The anatomy of exhumed river‐channel belts: Bedform to belt‐scale river kinematics of the Ruby Ranch Member, Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA
BT Cardenas, D Mohrig, TA Goudge, CM Hughes, JS Levy, T Swanson, ...
Sedimentology 67 (7), 3655-3682, 2020
Deltaic deposits indicative of a paleo-coastline at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars
CM Hughes, BT Cardenas, TA Goudge, D Mohrig
Icarus 317, 442-453, 2019
Preservation of autogenic processes and allogenic forcings in set-scale aeolian architecture II: The scour-and-fill dominated Jurassic Page Sandstone, Arizona, USA
BT Cardenas, G Kocurek, D Mohrig, T Swanson, CM Hughes, ...
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (8), 741-760, 2019
Preservation of autogenic processes and allogenic forcings in set-scale aeolian architecture I: numerical experiments
T Swanson, D Mohrig, G Kocurek, BT Cardenas, MA Wolinsky
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (8), 728-740, 2019
Paleogeographic reconstructions of an ocean margin on Mars based on deltaic sedimentology at Aeolis Dorsa
BT Cardenas, MP Lamb
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (10), e2022JE007390, 2022
Martian landscapes of fluvial ridges carved from ancient sedimentary basin fill
BT Cardenas, MP Lamb, JP Grotzinger
Nature Geoscience 15 (11), 871-877, 2022
Barform deposits of the Carolyn Shoemaker formation, Gale crater, Mars
BT Cardenas, JP Grotzinger, MP Lamb, KW Lewis, CM Fedo, AB Bryk, ...
Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (12), 1071-1092, 2022
Tributary channel networks formed by depositional processes
JM Swartz, BT Cardenas, D Mohrig, P Passalacqua
Nature Geoscience 15 (3), 216-221, 2022
Antecedent aeolian dune topographic control on carbonate and evaporite facies: Middle Jurassic Todilto Member, Wanakah Formation, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, USA
G Kocurek, RC Martindale, M Day, TA Goudge, C Kerans, ...
Sedimentology 66 (3), 808-837, 2019
Lowland river sinuosity on Earth and Mars set by the pace of meandering and avulsion
C Wu, W Kim, R Herring, BT Cardenas, TY Dong, H Ma, A Moodie, ...
Nature Geoscience 16 (8), 747-753, 2023
Pattern evolution and interactions in subaqueous dune fields: North Loup River, Nebraska, USA
J Mason, BT Cardenas, MD Day, M Daniller-Varghese, SC Brothers, ...
Journal of Sedimentary Research 90 (12), 1734-1746, 2020
Morphodynamic preservation of fluvial channel belts
BT Cardenas, MP Lamb, ZR Jobe, D Mohrig, JM Swartz
The Sedimentary Record 21 (1), 2023
The Oligocene‐Miocene Guadalope‐Matarranya Fan, Spain, as an Analog for Long‐Lived, Ridge‐Bearing Megafans on Mars
AT Hayden, MP Lamb, PM Myrow, D Mohrig, RME Williams, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126 (12), e2021JE006993, 2021
Controls of aeolian dune height on cross-strata architecture: White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico, USA
F Zhao, BT Cardenas, W Kim
Journal of Sedimentary Research 91 (5), 495-506, 2021
Relationships between fluvial dune cross-set thickness, planview width, and trough geometry
BT Cardenas, K Stacey, ZJ Baran
Geology 51 (12), 1163-1167, 2023
Evidence that sinuous ridges are sedimentary deposits formed by long-lived fluvial activity on Mars
AT Hayden, MP Lamb, WW Fischer, RME Williams, D Mohrig, ...
Ninth International Conference on Mars 2089, 6349, 2019
Justifying Martian Fluvial Sinuous Ridge Measurements Using Earth Analog Stratigraphy
BT Cardenas, TA Goudge, CM Hughes, JS Levy, D Mohrig
Fourth International Conference on Early Mars: Geologic, Hydrologic, and …, 2017
Evidence for shoreline-controlled changes in baselevel from fluvial deposits at Aeolis Dorsa, Mars
BT Cardenas, D Mohrig
45th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1632, 2014
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Articles 1–20