Hang XIE
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Cited by
Time-dependent quantum transport: An efficient method based on Liouville-von-Neumann equation for single-electron density matrix
H Xie, F Jiang, H Tian, X Zheng, Y Kwok, S Chen, CY Yam, YJ Yan, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (4), 2012
Fluctuation-induced tunneling conduction through nanoconstrictions
H Xie, P Sheng
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (16), 165419, 2009
Superconducting resistive transition in coupled arrays of carbon nanotubes
Z Wang, W Shi, H Xie, T Zhang, N Wang, Z Tang, X Zhang, R Lortz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (17), 174530, 2010
Three-dimensional metallic fractals and their photonic crystal characteristics
B Hou, H Xie, W Wen, P Sheng
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (12), 125113, 2008
Topological and magnetic phase transition in silicene-like zigzag nanoribbons
XL Lü, Y Xie, H Xie
New Journal of Physics 20 (4), 043054, 2018
Atomic level modeling of extremely thin silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs including the silicon dioxide: Electronic structure
S Markov, B Aradi, CY Yam, H Xie, T Frauenheim, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (3), 696-704, 2015
Complex absorbing potential based Lorentzian fitting scheme and time dependent quantum transport
XZGHC Hang Xie,Yanho Kwok,Feng Jiang
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 164122, 2014
Topological spin–valley filtering effects based on hybrid silicene-like nanoribbons
JE Yang, XL Lü, CX Zhang, H Xie
New Journal of Physics 22 (5), 053034, 2020
Modeling three-dimensional invasive solid tumor growth in heterogeneous microenvironment under chemotherapy
H Xie, Y Jiao, Q Fan, M Hai, J Yang, Z Hu, Y Yang, J Shuai, G Chen, R Liu, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0206292, 2018
Spin filters and switchers in topological-insulator junctions
XL Lü, H Xie
Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064040, 2019
Quantum transport through an array of quantum dots
S Chen, H Xie, Y Zhang, X Cui, G Chen
Nanoscale 5 (1), 169-173, 2013
Time-dependent density functional theory quantum transport simulation in non-orthogonal basis
YH Kwok, H Xie, CY Yam, X Zheng, GH Chen
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (22), 2013
Time‐dependent quantum transport theory and its applications to graphene nanoribbons
H Xie, Y Kwok, Y Zhang, F Jiang, X Zheng, YJ Yan, GH Chen
physica status solidi (b) 250 (11), 2481-2494, 2013
Topological phases and pumps in the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model periodically modulated in time
XL Lü, H Xie
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (49), 495401, 2019
Bipolar and unipolar valley filter effects in graphene-based P/N junction
XL Lü, H Xie
New Journal of Physics 22 (7), 073003, 2020
Effects of feeding frequency on the post-feeding oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the juvenile snakehead
D He, G Li, H Xie, S Liu, Y Luo
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 15 (2), 293-301, 2015
Effect of head group of surfactant on the self-assembly structures and aggregation transitions in a mixture of cationic surfactant and anionic surfactant-like ionic liquid
J Yang, H Huang, J Zheng, Y Huang, H Xie, F Gao
Journal of Molecular Liquids 308, 112995, 2020
Spin and spin-valley filter analysis of inner-edge states in hybrid silicene-like nanoribbons
CX Zhang, XL Lü, H Xie
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (19), 195302, 2020
Floquet bands and photon-induced topological edge states of graphene nanoribbons
W Wang, X Lüu, H Xie
Chinese Physics B 30 (6), 066701, 2021
Time-dependent density functional theory for open systems with a positivity-preserving decomposition scheme for environment spectral functions
RL Wang, X Zheng, YH Kwok, H Xie, GH Chen, CY Yam
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (14), 2015
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Articles 1–20