Md Gapar Md Johar
Cited by
Cited by
The role of technology acceptance model in explaining effect on e-commerce application system
MGM Johar, JAA Awalluddin
International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT) Vol 3, 2011
Effect of blended learning and learners’ characteristics on students’ competence: An empirical evidence in learning oriental music
CN Edward, D Asirvatham, MGM Johar
Education and Information Technologies 23 (6), 2587-2606, 2018
Comparative study on heart disease prediction using feature selection techniques on classification algorithms
K Dissanayake, MG Md Johar
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2021 (1), 5581806, 2021
Research methodology: Building research skills
SMF Azam, MS Yajid, J Tham, JA Hamid, A Khatibi, MGM Johar, IA Ariffin
McGraw-Hill Education (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, 2021
A comprehensive study on fast image deblurring techniques
Z Al-Ameen, G Sulong, MGM Johar, N Verma, R Kumar, M Dachyar, ...
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 44, 2012
CSFs for Six Sigma in service and manufacturing companies: an insight on literature
SU Pathiratne, A Khatibi, MG Md Johar
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 9 (4), 543-561, 2018
Enhancing the contrast of CT medical images by employing a novel image size dependent normalization technique
Z Al-Ameen, G Sulong, MGM Johar
International journal of Bio-science and bio-technology 4 (3), 63-68, 2012
The impact of teaching Oriental music using blended learning approach: An experimental study
CN Edward, D Asirvatham, G Johar
Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 16 (1), 81-103, 2019
Towards measuring of e-learning usability through user interface
AO Elfaki, Y Duan, R Bachok, W Du, M Gapar, M Johar, S Fong
2013 Second IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics …, 2013
Review and future directions of the automated validation in software product line engineering
AO Elfaki, OA Abouabdalla, SL Fong, GM Johar, KL Aik, R Bachok
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 42 (1), 75-93, 2012
The influence of perceived confidentiality risks and attitude on Tanzania government employees’ intention to adopt web 2.0 and social media for work-related purposes
JRA Mhina, MG Md Johar, MH Alkawaz
International Journal of Public Administration 42 (7), 558-571, 2019
Adoption of information communication technology (Ict) in international entrepreneurship: A way to promote international relations among business entities
AR ALSoud, O Abdeljaber, MS Ab Yajid, MGM Johar, S Al-masaeed, ...
Croatian International Relations Review 27 (87), 1-31, 2021
Employing a suitable contrast enhancement technique as a pre-restoration adjustment phase for computed tomography medical images
Z Al-Ameen, G Sulong, M Johar
International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology 5 (1), 73-80, 2013
Instructor Adoption of E-learning Systems in Tanzania’ s Universities: A Proposed Multi-Factors Adoption Model (MFAM11)
DM Lashayo, MGM Johar
JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 2 (2), 76-80, 2018
Temperature & humidity monitoring for poultry farms using IOT
NZ Malika, MGM Johar, MH Alkawaz, AI Hajamydeen, L Raya
2022 IEEE 12th Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics …, 2022
The role of trade integration and cross-border entrepreneurship in international relations: A moderating role of it infrastructure
O Abdeljaber, S Al-masaeed, SMF Azam, MS Ab Yajid, AR ALSoud, ...
Croatian International Relations Review 27 (87), 63-94, 2021
A critical evaluation on low-cost consumer-grade electroencephalographic devices
S Pathirana, D Asirvatham, G Johar
2018 2nd International Conference on BioSignal Analysis, Processing and …, 2018
Preliminary study on multi-factors affecting adoption of E-learning systems in universities: A case of open university of Tanzania (OUT)
DM Lashayo, MG Md Johar
IJ Modern Education and Computer Science, 2018
Reducing the Gaussian blur artifact from CT medical images by employing a combination of sharpening filters and iterative deblurring algorithms
Z Al-Ameen, G Sulong, MD Gapar, MD Johar
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 46 (1), 31-36, 2012
Mobile based attendance system: face recognition and location detection using machine learning
MSM Alburaiki, GM Johar, RAA Helmi, MH Alkawaz
2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 177-182, 2021
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Articles 1–20