Articles with public access mandates - Gia DvaliLearn more
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The role of gravity in naturalness versus consistency: strong-CP and dark energy
G Dvali
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 382 (2266), 20230084, 2024
Mandates: German Research Foundation
On Quantum Life of Black Holes
G Dvali
Foundations of Physics 48 (10), 1219-1225, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
S-Matrix and Anomaly of de Sitter. Symmetry 2021, 13, 3
G Dvali
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Dielectric haloscopes: A new way to detect axion dark matter
A Caldwell, G Dvali, B Majorovits, A Millar, G Raffelt, J Redondo, ...
Physical review letters 118 (9), 091801, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Government of Spain
Black holes as critical point of quantum phase transition
G Dvali, C Gomez
The European Physical Journal C 74, 1-12, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Quantum compositeness of gravity: black holes, AdS and inflation
G Dvali, C Gomez
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2014 (01), 023, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Quantum break-time of de Sitter
G Dvali, C Gomez, S Zell
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2017 (06), 028, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
A new experimental approach to probe QCD axion dark matter in the mass range above $${40}\,{\upmu}\mathrm {{eV}} $$
P Brun, A Caldwell, L Chevalier, G Dvali, P Freire, E Garutti, S Heyminck, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (3), 1-16, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Black hole formation and classicalization in ultra-Planckian 2→ N scattering
G Dvali, C Gomez, RS Isermann, D Lüst, S Stieberger
Nuclear Physics B 893, 187-235, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
On exclusion of positive cosmological constant
G Dvali, C Gomez
Fortschritte der Physik 67 (1-2), 1800092, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Quantum breaking bound on de Sitter and swampland
G Dvali, C Gomez, S Zell
Fortschritte der Physik 67 (1-2), 1800094, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Quantum exclusion of positive cosmological constant?
G Dvali, C Gomez
Annalen der Physik 528 (1-2), 68-73, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Scrambling in the black hole portrait
G Dvali, D Flassig, C Gomez, A Pritzel, N Wintergerst
Physical Review D 88 (12), 124041, 2013
Mandates: European Commission
Small neutrino masses from gravitational -term
G Dvali, L Funcke
Physical Review D 93 (11), 113002, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Gravitational black hole hair from event horizon supertranslations
A Averin, G Dvali, C Gomez, D Lüst
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (6), 1-25, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Black hole quantum mechanics in the presence of species
G Dvali, C Gomez, D Lüst
Fortschritte der Physik 61 (7‐8), 768-778, 2013
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Black hole metamorphosis and stabilization by memory burden
G Dvali, L Eisemann, M Michel, S Zell
Physical Review D 102 (10), 103523, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Entropy bound and unitarity of scattering amplitudes
G Dvali
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (3), 1-48, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Classicalization and unitarization of wee partons in QCD and gravity: The CGC-black hole correspondence
G Dvali, R Venugopalan
Physical Review D 105 (5), 056026, 2022
Mandates: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation
Classical limit of black hole quantum N-portrait and BMS symmetry
G Dvali, C Gomez, D Lüst
Physics Letters B 753, 173-177, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
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