Fan Yang
Fan Yang
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Cited by
A necessary and sufficient condition for edge universality at the largest singular values of covariance matrices
X Ding, F Yang
The Annals of Applied Probability 28 (3), 1679-1738, 2018
Spiked separable covariance matrices and principal components
X Ding, F Yang
How to reduce dimension with PCA and random projections?
F Yang, S Liu, E Dobriban, DP Woodruff
IEEE transactions on information theory 67 (12), 8154-8189, 2021
Random band matrices in the delocalized phase, III: Averaging fluctuations
F Yang, J Yin
Probability Theory and Related Fields 179, 451-540, 2021
Optimally weighted PCA for high-dimensional heteroscedastic data
D Hong, F Yang, JA Fessler, L Balzano
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 (1), 222-250, 2023
Edge universality of separable covariance matrices
F Yang
Convergence of eigenvector empirical spectral distribution of sample covariance matrices
H Xi, F Yang, J Yin
Random band matrices in the delocalized phase, II: Generalized resolvent estimates
P Bourgade, F Yang, HT Yau, J Yin
Journal of Statistical Physics 174, 1189-1221, 2019
Giant Faraday rotation induced by the Berry phase in bilayer graphene under strong terahertz fields
F Yang, X Xu, RB Liu
New Journal of Physics 16 (4), 043014, 2014
Berry phases of quantum trajectories of optically excited electron–hole pairs in semiconductors under strong terahertz fields
F Yang, RB Liu
New Journal of Physics 15 (11), 115005, 2013
Terahertz Electron-Hole Recollisions in Quantum Wells: Robustness to Scattering by Optical Phonons and Thermal Fluctuations
H Banks, B Zaks, F Yang, S Mack, AC Gossard, R Liu, MS Sherwin
Physical Review Letters 111 (26), 267402, 2013
Nonlinear optical response induced by non-Abelian Berry curvature in time-reversal-invariant insulators
F Yang, RB Liu
Physical Review B 90 (24), 245205, 2014
Local circular law for the product of a deterministic matrix with a random matrix
H Xi, F Yang, J Yin
Tracy-Widom distribution for heterogeneous Gram matrices with applications in signal detection
X Ding, F Yang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (10), 6682-6715, 2022
On the definition of fractional derivatives in rheology
F Yang, KQ Zhu
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 1 (1), 012007, 2011
Analysis of information transfer from heterogeneous sources via precise high-dimensional asymptotics
F Yang, HR Zhang, S Wu, WJ Su, C Ré
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11750, 2021
Sample canonical correlation coefficients of high-dimensional random vectors with finite rank correlations
Z Ma, F Yang
Bernoulli 29 (3), 1905-1932, 2023
Edge statistics of large dimensional deformed rectangular matrices
X Ding, F Yang
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 192, 105051, 2022
Limiting distribution of the sample canonical correlation coefficients of high-dimensional random vectors
F Yang
Electronic Journal of Probability 27, 1-71, 2022
Delocalization and quantum diffusion of random band matrices in high dimensions I: Self-energy renormalization
F Yang, HT Yau, J Yin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.12048, 2021
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Articles 1–20