Birgit Luef
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Cited by
Diverse uncultivated ultra-small bacterial cells in groundwater
B Luef, KR Frischkorn, KC Wrighton, HYN Holman, G Birarda, BC Thomas, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6372, 2015
Viral ecology of organic and inorganic particles in aquatic systems: avenues for further research
MG Weinbauer, Y Bettarel, R Cattaneo, B Luef, C Maier, C Motegi, ...
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 57 (3), 321-341, 2009
Iron-reducing bacteria accumulate ferric oxyhydroxide nanoparticle aggregates that may support planktonic growth
B Luef, SC Fakra, R Csencsits, KC Wrighton, KH Williams, MJ Wilkins, ...
The ISME journal 7 (2), 338-350, 2013
Impact of hydrology on free‐living and particle‐associated microorganisms in a river floodplain system (Danube, Austria)
B Luef, F Aspetsberger, T Hein, F Huber, P Peduzzi
Freshwater Biology 52 (6), 1043-1057, 2007
Particulate organic matter dynamics in a river floodplain system: impact of hydrological connectivity
F Aspetsberger, F Huber, S Kargl, B Scharinger, P Peduzzi, T Hein
Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 156 (1), 23-42, 2002
Sources and composition of organic matter for bacterial growth in a large European river floodplain system (Danube, Austria)
K Besemer, B Luef, S Preiner, B Eichberger, M Agis, P Peduzzi
Organic geochemistry 40 (3), 321-331, 2009
Evidence of Geobacter-associated phage in a uranium-contaminated aquifer
DE Holmes, L Giloteaux, AK Chaurasia, KH Williams, B Luef, MJ Wilkins, ...
The ISME journal 9 (2), 333-346, 2015
A portable cryo‐plunger for on‐site intact cryogenic microscopy sample preparation in natural environments
LR Comolli, R Duarte, D Baum, B Luef, KH Downing, DM Larson, ...
Microscopy research and technique 75 (6), 829-836, 2012
Viruses, bacteria and suspended particles in a backwater and main channel site of the Danube (Austria)
P Peduzzi, B Luef
Aquatic Sciences 70, 186-194, 2008
High‐resolution 2D and 3D cryo‐TEM reveals structural adaptations of two stalk‐forming bacteria to an Fe‐oxidizing lifestyle
LR Comolli, B Luef, CS Chan
Environmental Microbiology 13 (11), 2915-2929, 2011
Imaging and quantifying virus fluorescence signals on aquatic aggregates: a new method and its implication for aquatic microbial ecology
B Luef, TR Neu, P Peduzzi
FEMS microbiology ecology 68 (3), 372-380, 2009
Correlative cryogenic spectromicroscopy to investigate selenium bioreduction products
SC Fakra, B Luef, CJ Castelle, SW Mullin, KH Williams, MA Marcus, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (2), 503-512, 2018
Online program ‘vipcal’ for calculating lytic viral production and lysogenic cells based on a viral reduction approach
B Luef, F Luef, P Peduzzi
Environmental microbiology reports 1 (1), 78-85, 2009
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bacterial growth in floodplains of the Danube River under varying hydrological connectivity
P Peduzzi, F Aspetsberger, T Hein, F Huber, S Kargl-Wagner, B Luef, ...
Fundamental and applied limnology 171 (1), 49, 2008
Structure and composition of aggregates in two large European rivers, based on confocal laser scanning microscopy and image and statistical analyses
B Luef, TR Neu, I Zweimüller, P Peduzzi
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (18), 5952-5962, 2009
Correlative microscopy for phylogenetic and ultrastructural characterization of microbial communities
B Knierim, B Luef, P Wilmes, RI Webb, M Auer, LR Comolli, JF Banfield
Environmental microbiology reports 4 (1), 36-41, 2012
P Peduzzi, B Luef
Academic Press, 2009
Investigating fish larvae-microbe interactions in the 21st century: old questions studied with new tools
RI Vestrum, B Luef, T Forberg, I Bakke, O Vadstein
Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research, 1-35, 2018
Viruses//Encyclopedia of inland waters
P Peduzzi, B Luef
Oxford: Elsevier Inc 3, 279-294, 2009
Evaluation of confocal laser scanning microscopy for enumeration of virus-like particles in aquatic systems
P Peduzzi, M Agis, B Luef
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 5411-5418, 2013
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Articles 1–20