Hirwa Hubert
Hirwa Hubert
Ass. Director at Sustainability Institute, School of the Environment, Florida A&M University
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Agricultural impacts drive longitudinal variations of riverine water quality of the Aral Sea basin (Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers), Central Asia
P Leng, Q Zhang, F Li, R Kulmatov, G Wang, Y Qiao, J Wang, Y Peng, ...
Environmental Pollution 284, 117405, 2021
Linking large extractive industries to sustainable development of rural communities at mining sites in Africa: Challenges and pathways
F Muhirwa, L Shen, A Elshkaki, H Hirwa, G Umuziranenge, K Velempini
Resources Policy 81, 103322, 2023
Evaluation of the perennial spatio-temporal changes in the groundwater level and mineralization, and soil salinity in irrigated lands of arid zone: as an example of Syrdarya …
S Khasanov, F Li, R Kulmatov, Q Zhang, Y Qiao, S Odilov, P Yu, P Leng, ...
Agricultural Water Management 263, 107444, 2022
Insights on water and climate change in the greater horn of Africa: Connecting virtual water and water-energy-food-biodiversity-health nexus
H Hirwa, Q Zhang, Y Qiao, Y Peng, P Leng, C Tian, S Khasanov, F Li, ...
Sustainability 13 (11), 6483, 2021
Water accounting and productivity analysis to improve water savings of Nile River Basin, East Africa: from accountability to sustainability
H Hirwa, Q Zhang, F Li, Y Qiao, S Measho, F Muhirwa, N Xu, C Tian, ...
Agronomy 12 (4), 818, 2022
Virtual water transfers in Africa: Assessing topical condition of water scarcity, water savings, and policy implications
H Hirwa, Y Peng, Q Zhang, Y Qiao, P Leng, C Tian, G Yang, F Muhirwa, ...
Science of the Total Environment 835, 155343, 2022
Ecological balance emerges in implementing the water-energy-food security nexus in well-developed countries in Africa
F Muhirwa, L Shen, A Elshkaki, S Zhong, S Hu, H Hirwa, JC Chiaka, ...
Science of the Total Environment 833, 154999, 2022
Soil salinity variations and associated implications for agriculture and land resources development using remote sensing datasets in central Asia
S Measho, F Li, P Pellikka, C Tian, H Hirwa, N Xu, Y Qiao, S Khasanov, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (10), 2501, 2022
Wetland conservation and management practices in Rubanda District, South-Western Uganda
B Turyasingura, S Alex, H Hirwa, FS Mohammed, TM Ruhiiga, N Ayiga
East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources 5 (1), 289-302, 2022
Dryland food security in ethiopia: Current status, opportunities, and a roadmap for the future
Y Peng, H Hirwa, Q Zhang, G Wang, F Li
Sustainability 13 (11), 6503, 2021
Alert in the dynamics of water-energy-food production in African countries from a nexus perspective
F Muhirwa, L Shen, A Elshkaki, JC Chiaka, S Zhong, E Bönecke, H Hirwa, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 194, 106990, 2023
Evaluating farmland ecosystem resilience and its obstacle factors in Ethiopia
S Yang, S Song, F Li, G Yu, G He, H Cui, R Wang, B Sun, D Du, G Chen, ...
Ecological Indicators 146, 109900, 2023
Global dryland ecosystem programme (G-DEP): Africa consultative meeting report
Y Peng, B Fu, L Zhang, X Yu, C Fu, S Diop, H Hirwa, A Guisse, F Li
Journal of Arid Land 12, 538-544, 2020
Tracing attribute and scope of research and applied projects in Africa's water energy food nexus implementation: A review
F Muhirwa, L Shen, A Elshkaki, K Velempini, H Hirwa
Environmental Science & Policy 136, 33-45, 2022
Spatiotemporal variations of forest ecohydrological characteristics in the Lancang-Mekong region during 1992-2016 and 2020-2099 under different climate scenarios
A Kayiranga, B Chen, L Guo, S Measho, H Hirwa, S Liu, J Bofana, S Sun, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 310, 108662, 2021
Impact of mining activities on water quality status at Wolfram Mining and Processing (WMP), Burera, Rwanda
CS Hubert Hirwa, Francois Xavier Nshimiyimana, Honoré Tuyishime
Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences 10 (12), 1214-1220, 2019
Climate change–drylands–food security nexus in Africa: From the perspective of technical advances, challenges, and opportunities
H Hirwa, F Li, Y Qiao, S Measho, F Muhirwa, C Tian, P Leng, R Ingabire, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 851249, 2022
Decoupling energy, water, and food resources production from GHG emissions: A footprint perspective review of Africa from 1990 to 2017
F Muhirwa, L Shen, A Elshkaki, K Velempini, H Hirwa, S Zhong, ...
Energies 14 (19), 6326, 2021
A systematic review and meta-analysis of climate change and water resources in Sub-Sahara Africa
B Turyasingura, P Chavula, H Hirwa, FS Mohammed, N Ayiga, E Bojago, ...
Evaluation of Soil Contamination in Mining Areas of Rwanda
JDB Hubert Hirwa, François Xavier Nshimiyimana, Emmanuel Ngendahayo, Beatha ...
American Journal of Water Science and Engineering 5 (1), 9-15, 2019
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Articles 1–20