German Drazer
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Cited by
Lattice Boltzmann method for non-Newtonian (power-law) fluids
S Gabbanelli, G Drazer, J Koplik
Physical Review E 72 (4), 046312, 2005
Deterministic and stochastic behaviour of non-Brownian spheres in sheared suspensions
G Drazer, J Koplik, B Khusid, A Acrivos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 460, 307-335, 2002
Permeability anisotropy induced by the shear displacement of rough fracture walls
H Auradou, G Drazer, JP Hulin, J Koplik
Water Resources Research 41 (9), 2005
Flow channeling in a single fracture induced by shear displacement
H Auradou, G Drazer, A Boschan, JP Hulin, J Koplik
Geothermics 35 (5-6), 576-588, 2006
Directional locking and the role of irreversible interactions in deterministic hydrodynamics separations in microfluidic devices
M Balvin, E Sohn, T Iracki, G Drazer, J Frechette
Physical review letters 103 (7), 078301, 2009
Adaptation to oxygen deprivation in cultures of human pluripotent stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells, and umbilical vein endothelial cells
HE Abaci, R Truitt, E Luong, G Drazer, S Gerecht
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 298 (6), C1527-C1537, 2010
Directional locking and deterministic separation in periodic arrays
J Frechette, G Drazer
Journal of fluid mechanics 627, 379-401, 2009
Experimental evidence of power-law trapping-time distributions in porous media
G Drazer, DH Zanette
Physical Review E 60 (5), 5858, 1999
Gravity driven deterministic lateral displacement for particle separation in microfluidic devices
R Devendra, G Drazer
Analytical chemistry 84 (24), 10621-10627, 2012
Anomalous diffusion with absorption: Exact time-dependent solutions
G Drazer, HS Wio, C Tsallis
Physical Review E 61 (2), 1417, 2000
Transport in rough self-affine fractures
G Drazer, J Koplik
Physical Review E 66 (2), 026303, 2002
Design and development of microbioreactors for long-term cell culture in controlled oxygen microenvironments
HE Abaci, R Devendra, Q Smith, S Gerecht, G Drazer
Biomedical microdevices 14, 145-152, 2012
Separation of suspended particles in microfluidic systems by directional locking in periodic fields
J Herrmann, M Karweit, G Drazer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
Permeability of self-affine rough fractures
G Drazer, J Koplik
Physical Review E 62 (6), 8076, 2000
Microstructure and velocity fluctuations in sheared suspensions
G Drazer, J Koplik, B Khusid, A Acrivos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 511, 237-263, 2004
Force driven separation of drops by deterministic lateral displacement
T Bowman, J Frechette, G Drazer
Lab on a Chip 12 (16), 2903-2908, 2012
Separation of suspended particles by arrays of obstacles in microfluidic devices
Z Li, G Drazer
Physical review letters 98 (5), 050602, 2007
Tracer dispersion in two-dimensional rough fractures
G Drazer, J Koplik
Physical Review E 63 (5), 056104, 2001
Hydrodynamic interactions in dissipative particle dynamics
Z Li, G Drazer
Physics of fluids 20 (10), 2008
Capillary drop penetration method to characterize the liquid wetting of powders
Z Liu, Y Wang, FJ Muzzio, G Callegari, G Drazer
Langmuir 33 (1), 56-65, 2017
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Articles 1–20