José Ramón Montejo Garai
José Ramón Montejo Garai
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Cited by
A 225 GHz circular polarization waveguide duplexer based on a septum orthomode transducer polarizer
CA Leal-Sevillano, KB Cooper, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3 (5), 574-583, 2013
Full-wave design and realization of multicoupled dual-mode circular waveguide filters
JR Montejo-Garai, J Zapata
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 43 (6), 1290-1297, 1995
Silicon Micromachined Canonical -Plane and -Plane Bandpass Filters at the Terahertz Band
CA Leal-Sevillano, TJ Reck, C Jung-Kubiak, G Chattopadhyay, ...
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 23 (6), 288-290, 2013
Synthesis of N-even order symmetric filters with N transmission zeros by means of source-load cross coupling
JR Montejo-Garai
Electronics Letters 36 (3), 232-233, 2000
Synthesis and design of in-line N-order filters with N real transmission zeros by means of extracted poles implemented in low-cost rectangular H-plane waveguide
JR Montejo-Garai, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JM Rebollar, MJ Padilla-Cruz, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 53 (5), 1636-1642, 2005
Orthomode transducers with folded double-symmetry junctions for broadband and compact antenna feeds
JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, CA Leal-Sevillano, JM Rebollar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (3), 1160-1168, 2018
Experimental verification of extraordinary transmission without surface plasmons
F Medina, JA Ruiz-Cruz, F Mesa, JM Rebollar, JR Montejo-Garai, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (7), 2009
A pseudo-elliptical response filter at W-band fabricated with thick SU-8 photo-resist technology
CA Leal-Sevillano, JR Montejo-Garai, M Ke, MJ Lancaster, JA Ruiz-Cruz, ...
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 22 (3), 105-107, 2012
A micromachined dual-band orthomode transducer
CA Leal-Sevillano, Y Tian, MJ Lancaster, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 62 (1), 55-63, 2013
Low-loss elliptical response filter at 100 GHz
CA Leal-Sevillano, JR Montejo-Garai, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JM Rebollar
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 22 (9), 459-461, 2012
Development of a wideband compact orthomode transducer for the 180–270 GHz band
CA Leal-Sevillano, TJ Reck, G Chattopadhyay, JA Ruiz-Cruz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 4 (5), 634-636, 2014
Multi-section bow-tie steps for full-band waveguide polarization rotation
JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, JM Rebollar
IEEE Microwave and Wireless components letters 20 (7), 375-377, 2010
Computer aided design of waveguide devices by mode-matching methods
JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, JM Rebollar
Passive Microwave Components and Antennas, 117-140, 2010
A switchable multiple beam antenna for GSM-UMTS base stations in planar technology
M Barba, JE Page, JA Encinar, JR Montejo-Garai
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (11), 3087-3094, 2006
Study of extraordinary transmission in a circular waveguide system
F Medina, F Mesa, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JM Rebollar, JR Montejo-Garai
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 58 (6), 1532-1542, 2010
Design of microwave waveguide devices for space and ground application implemented by additive manufacturing
JR Montejo-Garai, IO Saracho-Pantoja, CA Leal-Sevillano, JA Ruiz-Cruz, ...
2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications …, 2015
Rectangular waveguide elliptic filters with capacitive and inductive irises and integrated coaxial excitation
JA Ruiz-Cruz, KA Zaki, JR Montejo-Garai, JM Rebollar
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005., 269-272, 2005
Compact full Ku-band triplexer with improved E-plane power divider
J Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, JMR Machain, S Sobrino
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 86, 39-51, 2008
Compact broadband couplers based on the waveguide magic-T junction
CA Leal-Sevillano, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, JM Rebollar
2013 European Microwave Conference, 151-154, 2013
Triple-radiation pattern monopulse horn feed with compact single-layer comparator network
L Polo-López, J Córcoles, JA Ruiz-Cruz, JR Montejo-Garai, JM Rebollar
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (5), 2546-2559, 2020
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Articles 1–20