Tobias Riasanow
Tobias Riasanow
PhD Information Systems TUM, now at SAP SE
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Cited by
Digital platform ecosystems
A Hein, M Schreieck, T Riasanow, DS Setzke, M Wiesche, M Böhm, ...
Electronic markets 30, 87-98, 2020
The digital transformation of the healthcare industry: exploring the rise of emerging platform ecosystems and their influence on the role of patients
S Hermes, T Riasanow, EK Clemons, M Böhm, H Krcmar
Business Research 13 (3), 1033-1069, 2020
Pathways to digital service innovation: The role of digital transformation strategies in established organizations
D Soto Setzke, T Riasanow, M Böhm, H Krcmar
Information Systems Frontiers 25 (3), 1017-1037, 2023
Digitale Transformation: Fallbeispiele und Branchenanalysen
G Oswald, T Saueressig, H Krcmar
Springer Nature, 2022
Core, intertwined, and ecosystem-specific clusters in platform ecosystems: analyzing similarities in the digital transformation of the automotive, blockchain, financial …
T Riasanow, L Jäntgen, S Hermes, M Böhm, H Krcmar
Electronic Markets 31, 89-104, 2021
Digital Transformation in the Automotive Industry: Towards a Generic Value Network
T Riasanow, G Galic, M Böhm
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 25, 3191-3201, 2017
Clarifying the Notion of Digital Transformation: A Transdisciplinary Review of Literature
T Riasanow, D Soto Setzke, M Böhm, H Krcmar
Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management 10, 5-31, 2019
The Generic Blockchain Ecosystem and its Strategic Implications
T Riasanow, F Burckhardt, DS Setzke, M Böhm, H Krcmar
24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2018
The Generic Ecosystem and Innovation Patterns of the Digital Transformation in the Financial Industry
T Riasanow, RJ Flötgen, DS Setzke, M Böhm, H Krcmar
22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS), 2018
The Generic InsurTech Ecosystem and its Strategic Implications for the Digital Transformation of the Insurance Industry
M Greineder, T Riasanow, M Böhm, H Krcmar
40th GI EMISA, 2019
Technologietrends in der digitalen Transformation
G Oswald, D Soto Setzke, T Riasanow, H Krcmar
Digitale Transformation: Fallbeispiele und Branchenanalysen, 11-34, 2018
A decision model for the implementation of blockchain solutions
B Betzwieser, S Franzbonenkamp, T Riasanow, M Böhm, H Kienegger, ...
A System Dynamics Model for Business Process Change Projects
Z Rosenberg, T Riasanow, H Krcmar
33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2015
Generating Trust in Online Consumer Reviews through Signaling: An Experimental Study
T Riasanow, HJ Ye, S Goswami
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 48, 3307-3316, 2015
Co-evolution in Business Ecosystems: Findings from Literature
T Riasanow, RJ Flötgen, M Greineder, D Möslein, M Böhm, H Krcmar
40th GI EMISA, 2019
B2B app store governance in software platform ecosystems: dimensions and types
R Floetgen, U Ziegler, J Weking, M Hoefler, T Riasanow, M Böhm
Toward a Taxonomy of Digital Transformation Initiatives
D Soto Setzke, L Opderbeck, T Riasanow
28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2020
Everything as a Service (XaaS)
T Riasanow, H Krcmar
Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft, 2020
Digital Transformation from an Inter-Organizational Perspective: Managing the Co-evolution of Platform Owners and Complementors in Platform Ecosystems
T Riasanow
Dissertation, Technische Universität München, 2020
Platforms for the Industrial Internet of Things: Enhancing Business Models through Interoperability
D Soto Setzke, N Scheidl, T Riasanow, M Böhm, H Krcmar
Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of …, 2018
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Articles 1–20