Dengke Zhang
Dengke Zhang
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Cited by
Bistability of Cavity Magnon Polaritons
YP Wang, GQ Zhang, D Zhang, TF Li, CM Hu, JQ You
Physical review letters 120 (5), 057202, 2018
Observation of the exceptional point in cavity magnon-polaritons
D Zhang, XQ Luo, YP Wang, TF Li, JQ You
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1368, 2017
Magnon Kerr effect in a strongly coupled cavity-magnon system
YP Wang, GQ Zhang, D Zhang, XQ Luo, W Xiong, SP Wang, TF Li, CM Hu, ...
Physical Review B 94 (22), 224410, 2016
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with ferromagnetic magnons in a small yttrium-iron-garnet sphere
D Zhang, XM Wang, TF Li, XQ Luo, W Wu, F Nori, JQ You
npj Quantum Information 1, 15014, 2015
Waveguide-integrated, plasmonic enhanced graphene photodetectors
JE Muench, A Ruocco, MA Giambra, V Miseikis, D Zhang, J Wang, ...
Nano letters 19 (11), 7632-7644, 2019
Encoding and decoding of orbital angular momentum for wireless optical interconnects on chip
D Zhang, X Feng, Y Huang
Optics Express 20 (24), 26986-26995, 2012
Generating in-plane optical orbital angular momentum beams with silicon waveguides
D Zhang, X Feng, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
IEEE Photonics Journal 5 (2), 2201206, 2013
Radially polarized orbital angular momentum beam emitter based on shallow-ridge silicon microring cavity
R Li, X Feng, D Zhang, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (3), 1-10, 2014
Tunable and Reconfigurable Bandstop Microwave Photonic Filter Based on Integrated Microrings and Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
D Zhang, X Feng, X Li, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (23), 3668 - 3675, 2013
Identifying orbital angular momentum of vectorial vortices with Pancharatnam phase and Stokes parameters
D Zhang, X Feng, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
Scientific reports 5, 11982, 2015
Tunable and reconfigurable bandpass microwave photonic filters utilizing integrated optical processor on silicon-on-insulator substrate
D Zhang, X Feng, Y Huang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (17), 1502-1505, 2012
Generating optical superimposed vortex beam with tunable orbital angular momentum using integrated devices
Y Wang, X Feng, D Zhang, P Zhao, X Li, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-10, 2015
Microring bio-chemical sensor with integrated low dark current Ge photodetector
K Zang, D Zhang, Y Huo, X Chen, CY Lu, ET Fei, TI Kamins, X Feng, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (10), 2015
Resonant integrated optical gyroscope based on Si3N4 waveguide ring resonator
C Feng, D Zhang, Y Zhang, C Qing, H Ma, H Li, L Feng
Optics Express 29 (26), 43875-43884, 2021
Compact thermo-optic switch based on tapered W1 photonic crystal waveguide
Q Zhao, K Cui, Z Huang, X Feng, D Zhang, F Liu, W Zhang, Y Huang
IEEE Photonics Journal 5 (2), 2200606, 2013
Integrated optical add-drop multiplexer based on a compact parent-sub microring-resonator structure
H Yan, X Feng, D Zhang, Y Huang
Optics Communications 289, 53-59, 2012
Compact optical add-drop multiplexers with parent-sub ring resonators on SOI substrates
H Yan, X Feng, D Zhang, K Cui, F Liu, Y Huang
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (15), 1462-1465, 2013
Simulation of 60-GHz microwave photonic filters based on serially coupled silicon microring resonators
D Zhang, X Feng, Y Huang
Chinese Optics Letters 10 (2), 021302, 2012
Frequency spectrum separation method of suppressing backward-light-related errors for resonant integrated optical gyroscope
H Li, C Wen, C Feng, C Qing, D Zhang, L Feng
Journal of Lightwave Technology 40 (4), 1188-1194, 2022
Ultra-compact variable optical attenuator based on slow light photonic crystal waveguide
Q Zhao, K Cui, X Feng, Y Huang, Y Li, D Zhang, W Zhang
Chinese Optics Letters 11 (3), 031301, 2013
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