Terry Lohrenz
Terry Lohrenz
Research Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
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The rupture and repair of cooperation in borderline personality disorder
B King-Casas, C Sharp, L Lomax-Bream, T Lohrenz, P Fonagy, ...
science 321 (5890), 806-810, 2008
Neural signature of fictive learning signals in a sequential investment task
T Lohrenz, K McCabe, CF Camerer, PR Montague
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (22), 9493-9498, 2007
Confirmation bias in the utilization of others’ opinion strength
A Kappes, AH Harvey, T Lohrenz, PR Montague, T Sharot
Nature neuroscience 23 (1), 130-137, 2020
Computational substrates of norms and their violations during social exchange
T Xiang, T Lohrenz, PR Montague
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (3), 1099-1108, 2013
Advancing consumer neuroscience
A Smidts, M Hsu, AG Sanfey, MAS Boksem, RB Ebstein, SA Huettel, ...
Marketing Letters 25, 257-267, 2014
To detect and correct: norm violations and their enforcement
PR Montague, T Lohrenz
Neuron 56 (1), 14-18, 2007
Subsecond dopamine fluctuations in human striatum encode superposed error signals about actual and counterfactual reward
KT Kishida, I Saez, T Lohrenz, MR Witcher, AW Laxton, SB Tatter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (1), 200-205, 2016
Nonpolitical images evoke neural predictors of political ideology
WY Ahn, KT Kishida, X Gu, T Lohrenz, A Harvey, JR Alford, KB Smith, ...
Current Biology 24 (22), 2693-2699, 2014
Smokers' brains compute, but ignore, a fictive error signal in a sequential investment task
PH Chiu, TM Lohrenz, PR Montague
Nature neuroscience 11 (4), 514-520, 2008
Neural signatures of strategic types in a two-person bargaining game
MA Bhatt, T Lohrenz, CF Camerer, PR Montague
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (46), 19720-19725, 2010
Sub-second dopamine detection in human striatum
KT Kishida, SG Sandberg, T Lohrenz, YG Comair, I Sáez, PEM Phillips, ...
PloS one 6 (8), e23291, 2011
Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles
A Smith, T Lohrenz, J King, PR Montague, CF Camerer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (29), 10503-10508, 2014
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for pinned loop groups
BK Driver, T Lohrenz
journal of functional analysis 140 (2), 381-448, 1996
Sub-second dopamine and serotonin signaling in human striatum during perceptual decision-making
D Bang, KT Kishida, T Lohrenz, JP White, AW Laxton, SB Tatter, ...
Neuron 108 (5), 999-1010. e6, 2020
Necessary, yet dissociable contributions of the insular and ventromedial prefrontal cortices to norm adaptation: computational and lesion evidence in humans
X Gu, X Wang, A Hula, S Wang, S Xu, TM Lohrenz, RT Knight, Z Gao, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (2), 467-473, 2015
The protective action encoding of serotonin transients in the human brain
RJ Moran, KT Kishida, T Lohrenz, I Saez, AW Laxton, MR Witcher, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 43 (6), 1425-1435, 2018
Computational phenotyping of two-person interactions reveals differential neural response to depth-of-thought
T Xiang, D Ray, T Lohrenz, P Dayan, PR Montague
PLoS computational biology 8 (12), e1002841, 2012
Belief about nicotine selectively modulates value and reward prediction error signals in smokers
X Gu, T Lohrenz, R Salas, PR Baldwin, A Soltani, U Kirk, PM Cinciripini, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (8), 2539-2544, 2015
A model of risk and mental state shifts during social interaction
A Hula, I Vilares, T Lohrenz, P Dayan, PR Montague
PLoS computational biology 14 (2), e1005935, 2018
The mediating role of attachment and mentalising in the relationship between childhood maltreatment, self-harm and suicidality
M Stagaki, T Nolte, J Feigenbaum, B King-Casas, T Lohrenz, P Fonagy, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect 128, 105576, 2022
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Articles 1–20