Alexandra C Schmid
Alexandra C Schmid
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Error rates in users of automatic face recognition software
D White, JD Dunn, AC Schmid, RI Kemp
PloS one 10 (10), e0139827, 2015
Shatter and splatter: The contribution of mechanical and optical properties to the perception of soft and hard breaking materials
AC Schmid, K Doerschner
Journal of vision 18 (1), 14-14, 2018
Material category of visual objects computed from specular image structure
AC Schmid, P Barla, K Doerschner
Nature Human Behaviour 7 (7), 1152-1169, 2023
Expectations affect the perception of material properties
LM Alley, AC Schmid, K Doerschner
Journal of Vision 20 (12), 1-1, 2020
Representing stuff in the human brain
AC Schmid, K Doerschner
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 30, 178-185, 2019
Do surface reflectance properties and 3-D mesostructure influence the perception of lightness?
AC Schmid, BL Anderson
Journal of Vision 14 (8), 24-24, 2014
Centering cognitive neuroscience on task demands and generalization
M Nau, AC Schmid, SM Kaplan, CI Baker, DJ Kravitz
Nature Neuroscience 27 (9), 1656-1667, 2024
Core dimensions of human material perception
F Schmidt, MN Hebart, AC Schmid, RW Fleming
Dynamic dot displays reveal material motion network in the human brain
AC Schmid, H Boyaci, K Doerschner
NeuroImage 228, 117688, 2021
Perceptual dimensions underlying lightness perception in homogeneous center-surround displays
AC Schmid, BL Anderson
Journal of Vision 17 (2), 6-6, 2017
The role of amodal surface completion in stereoscopic transparency
BL Anderson, AC Schmid
Frontiers in Psychology 3, 351, 2012
Chocolate, chrome, or cloth? The appearance of specular highlights determines perceived material category
AC Schmid, K Doerschner
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 252-252, 2019
Differential fMRI responses to material motion compared to other motion types
A Schmid, H Boyaci, K Doerschner
Perception 48, 205-206, 2019
Neo's Spoon and Newton's Apples: Prediction of rigid and non-rigid deformations of materials
L Alley, A Schmid, K Doerschner
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 224-224, 2017
Cortical dynamics of material and shape perception across illumination and viewpoint
AC Schmid, HOS Melendez, CI Baker
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 1472-1472, 2024
Cortical representations of core visual material dimensions
HC Sun, F Schmidt, AC Schmid, MN Hebart, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 285-285, 2024
Behaviourally relevant image structure linked with visual sampling and perception of materials
AC Schmid, M Nau, CI Baker
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5888-5888, 2023
Wiggle it a little bit-Active exploration and the visual perception of form and rigidity
K Dörschner-Boyaci, A Schmid, V Neuwirt, P Barla
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3947-3947, 2022
The mental representation of materials distilled from> 1.5 million similarity judgements
F Schmidt, MN Hebart, A Schmid, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 1981-1981, 2021
The relationship between specular reflection image features, perceived gloss, and material category
A Schmid, P Barla, K Doerschner
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2680-2680, 2021
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Articles 1–20