Esawy Mahmoud
Esawy Mahmoud
Position Vice Dean for Education and StudentsFaculty of agriculture , Tanta University , Tanta
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Effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on cucumber yield and some soil properties
AAL Mahmoud, E, Abd El-Kader, N, Robin, P , Nouraya
World J. of Agri.Sci.(): 5 (4), 408-414, 2009
Effects of different organic and inorganic fertilizers on cucumber yield and some soil properties.
AAL - Mahmoud, E, Abd El-Kader, N, Robin, P , Nouraya
World J. of Agri.Sci. : 5 ((4)), 408-414, 2009
Effect of polluted water on soil and plant contamination by heavy metals in El-Mahla El-Kobra, Egypt
A Mahmoud E, and Ghoneim
Solid Earth 7, 703–711, 2016
Heavy metal immobilization in contaminated soils using phosphogypsum and rice straw compost
AEKI Mahmoud, E
land degradation & development DO 10, 1002/ldr.2288, 2014
Effect of vermicompost and its mixtures with water treatment residuals on soil chemical properties and barley growth.
Mahmoud, E, Ibrahim, M
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. (), 12 (3), 431-440, 2012
Effect of vermicompost and its mixtures with water treatment residuals on soil chemical properties and barley growth.
Mahmoud, E, Ibrahim, M
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 12 ((3),), 431-440, 2012
Spectroscopic studies on the phosphorus adsorption in salt-affected soils with or without nano-biochar additions
MS Esawy Mahmouda,∗ , Ahmed El Baroudya , Nehal Alib
Environmental Research, 2020
Response of Alfalfa under Salt Stress to the Application of Potassium Sulfate Nanoparticles.
AMM Mahmoud Samir El-Sharkawy, Talaat Rizk El-Beshsbeshy, Esawy Kasem ...
American Journal of Plant Sciences, , . 8, 1751-1773, 2017
Effects of vermicompost and water treatment residuals on soil physical properties and wheat yield
MM Ibrahim, EK Mahmoud, . and Doaa A. Ibrahim. ..
Int. Agrophys. 29, 157-164, 2015
Rice straw composting and its effect on soil properties
AMES Mahmoud, E, Ibrahim, M, Robin, P.Nouraya
Compost Science & Utilization 17 (3), 146-150, 2009
Rice straw composting and its effect on soil properties.
AMES - Mahmoud, E, Ibrahim, M, Robin, P.Nouraya
Compost Science & Utilization () 17 (3), 146-150, 2009
Cement kiln dust and Coal filters treatment of textile industrial effluents
EK Mahmoud
Desalination , 255 (175-178), 2010
Impacts of biochar application on soil fertility, plant nutrients uptake and maize (Zea mays L.) yield in saline sodic soil
E Mahmoud, T El-Beshbeshy, NA El-Kader, R El Shal, N Khalafallah
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-9, 2019
Effects of Biochar and Phosphorus Fertilizers on Phosphorus Fractions, Wheat Yield and Microbial Biomass Carbon in Vertic Torrifluvents
E Mahmoud, M Ibrahim, L Abd El-Rahman, A Khader
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 50 (3), 362-372, 2019
Effect of compost extract, N2-fixing bacteria and nitrogen levels applications on soil properties and onion crop.
E Mahmoud, E El-Gizawy, L Geries
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2014
Effect of compost extract, N2-fixing bacteria and nitrogen levels applications on soil properties and onion crop
E Mahmoud, E El-Gizawy, L Geries
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2014
Spectroscopic analyses to study the effect of biochar and compost on dry mass of canola and heavy metal immobilization in soil
NAHA Esawy Mahmoud, Mahmoud Ibrahim
communications in soil science and plant analysis, (). 49 (16), 1990–2001, 2018
A GIS-based approach for the quantitative assessment of soil quality and sustainable agriculture
MA Abdellatif, AA El Baroudy, M Arshad, EK Mahmoud, AM Saleh, ...
Sustainability 13 (23), 13438, 2021
Effect of Biochar and Compost Amendments on Soil Biochemical Properties and Dry Weight of Canola Plant Grown in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals
NAHA Esawy Mahmoud , Mahmoud Ibrahim
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2020
Effects of tea plant compost and mineral nitrogen levels on yield and quality of sugar beet crop
E El-Gizawy, Eid, Shalaby, Gamal, Mahmoud
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, :. 45, 1181–1194, 2014
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Articles 1–20