Melis Cin
Melis Cin
Other namesF M Cin, Firdevs Melis Cin, Melis Cin, F
Senior Lecturer in Education and Social Justice
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Cited by
Cited by
Gender Justice, Education and Equality: Creating Capabilities for Girls' and Women's Development
FM Cin
Palgrave, 2017
Job embeddedness as a moderator of the effect of manager trust and distributive justice on turnover intentions
Y Akgunduz, FM Cin
Anatolia 26 (4), 549-562, 2015
What matters for rural teachers and communities? Educational challenges in rural Turkey
ŞK Çiftçi, FM Cin
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 48 (5), 686-701, 2018
Reconsidering girls’ education in Turkey from a capabilities and feminist perspective
FM Cin, M Walker
International Journal of Educational Development 49, 134-143, 2016
Navigating university spaces as refugees: Syrian students’ pathways of access to and through higher education in Turkey
FM Cin, N Doğan
International Journal of Inclusive Education 25 (2), 298-312, 2021
The effect of socioeconomic status on students’ achievement
Ş Koza Ciftçi, F Melis Cin
The factors effecting student achievement: Meta-analysis of empirical …, 2017
Capabilities-based gender equality analysis of educational policy-making and reform in Turkey
FM Cin, E Karlıdağ-Dennis, Z Temiz
Gender and Education 32 (2), 244-261, 2020
Learning design in diverse institutional and cultural contexts: Suggestions from a participatory workshop with higher education professionals in Africa
J Mittelmeier, D Long, FM Cin, K Reedy, A Gunter, P Raghuram, ...
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 33 (3), 250-266, 2018
Context and history: Using a capabilities-based social justice perspective to explore three generations of western Turkish female teachers’ lives
FM Cin, M Walker
International Journal of Educational Development 33 (4), 394-404, 2013
Youth, gender and the capabilities approach to development: Rethinking opportunities and agency from a human development perspective
A Lopez-Fogues, FM Cin
Routledge, 2018
Post-Conflict Participatory Arts: Socially Engaged Development
F Mkwananzi, FM Cin
Routledge, 2022
Women’s empowerment in the period of the rapid expansion of higher education in Turkey: developments and paradoxes of gender equality in the labour market
FM Cin, S Gümüş, F Weiss
Higher Education 81 (1), 31-50, 2021
Feminist Framing of Europeanisation: Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and the EU
R Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, FM Cin
Palgrave, 2021
From Streets to Developing Aspirations: How Does Collective Agency for Education Change Marginalised Migrant Youths’ Lives?
F Mkwananzi, FM Cin
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 21 (4), 320-338, 2020
Transnational online research: recognizing multiple contexts in Skype-to-phone interviews
FM Cin, C Madge, M Long, Dianne: Breines, M Sachikonye
Qualitative Research, 2023
A fuzzy system for evaluating students' project in engineering education
AF Baba, FM Cin, D Bakanay
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 20 (2), 287-294, 2012
Assessment of English proficiency by fuzzy logic approach
FM Cin, AF Baba
International Educational Technology Conference, 355-359, 2008
Zihinsel engelli bireye sahip olan ebeveynlerin tükenmişlik düzeylerinin incelenmesi
FM Cin, M Aslan Aydın, E Arı
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2017
Okul öncesi eğitimde cinsiyet eşitliği üzerine betimsel bir çalışma
Z Temiz, FM Cin
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 14 (1), 940-965, 2017
Participatory video as a tool for cultivating political and feminist capabilities of women in Turkey
FM Cin, R Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm
Participatory research, capabilities and epistemic justice: A transformative …, 2020
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Articles 1–20