Diego Bufquin
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Cited by
Employee work status, mental health, substance use, and career turnover intentions: An examination of restaurant employees during COVID-19
D Bufquin, JY Park, RM Back, JV de Souza Meira, SK Hight
International Journal of Hospitality Management 93, 102764, 2021
The influence of restaurant co-workers’ perceived warmth and competence on employees’ turnover intentions: The mediating role of job attitudes
D Bufquin, R DiPietro, M Orlowski, C Partlow
International Journal of Hospitality Management 60, 13-22, 2017
Servicescape, positive affect, satisfaction and behavioral intentions: The moderating role of familiarity
JY Park, RM Back, D Bufquin, V Shapoval
International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, 102-111, 2019
A qualitative investigation of microentrepreneurship in the sharing economy
T Zhang, D Bufquin, C Lu
International Journal of Hospitality Management 79, 148-157, 2019
When do they become satiated? An examination of the relationships among winery tourists’ satisfaction, repeat visits and revisit intentions
JY Park, D Bufquin, RM Back
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 11, 231-239, 2019
Effects of hotel website photographs and length of textual descriptions on viewers’ emotions and behavioral intentions
D Bufquin, JY Park, RM Back, MWW Nutta, T Zhang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 87, 102378, 2020
The influence of social perceptions on restaurant employee work engagement and extra-role customer service behavior: A moderated mediation model
M Orlowski, D Bufquin, ME Nalley
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 62 (2), 261-275, 2021
The influence of the DinEX service quality dimensions on casual-dining restaurant customers’ satisfaction and behavioral intentions
D Bufquin, R DiPietro, C Partlow
Journal of foodservice business research 20 (5), 542-556, 2017
Why do they come back? The effects of winery tourists’ motivations and satisfaction on the number of visits and revisit intentions
RM Back, D Bufquin, JY Park
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 22 (1), 1-25, 2021
Peer-to-peer accommodation amid COVID-19: the effects of Airbnb cleanliness information on guests’ trust and behavioral intentions
M Godovykh, RM Back, D Bufquin, C Baker, JY Park
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35 (4), 1219-1237, 2023
Effects of work status congruence and perceived management concern for employees on turnover intentions in a fast casual restaurant chain
R DiPietro, D Bufquin
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 17 (1), 38-59, 2018
An examination of restaurant employees’ work-life outlook: The influence of support systems during COVID-19
JY Park, SK Hight, D Bufquin, JV de Souza Meira, RM Back
International Journal of Hospitality Management 97, 102992, 2021
Social evaluations of restaurant managers: The effects on frontline employees’ job attitudes and turnover intentions
D Bufquin, R DiPietro, M Orlowski, C Partlow
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (3), 1827-1844, 2018
Service quality dimensions in hotel service delivery options: Comparison between human interaction service and self-service technology
S Park, DJ Kwun, JY Park, D Bufquin
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 23 (5), 931-958, 2022
The effects of architectural congruence perceptions on winery visitors’ emotions and behavioral intentions: The case of Marqués de Riscal
D Bufquin, RM Back, JY Park, M Nutta
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 9, 56-63, 2018
Effects of hotel website photograph size and human images on perceived transportation and behavioral intentions
RM Back, JY Park, D Bufquin, MWW Nutta, SJ Lee
International Journal of Hospitality Management 89, 102545, 2020
Effects of social perceptions and organizational commitment on restaurant performance
D Bufquin, R DiPietro, JY Park, C Partlow
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 26 (7), 752-769, 2017
Measuring restaurant patrons’ perceptions and expectations: An importance–performance analysis using the DinEX model
D Bufquin, CG Partlow, RB DiPietro
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 18 (3), 226-243, 2015
Coworkers, supervisors and frontline restaurant employees: social judgments and the mediating effects of exhaustion and cynicism
D Bufquin
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 3 (3), 353-369, 2020
Differences in social evaluations and their effects on employee job attitudes and turnover intentions in a restaurant setting
D Bufquin, RB DiPietro, C Partlow, SJ Smith
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 17 (3), 375-396, 2018
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Articles 1–20