María Teresa Sanchez Torres Esqueda
María Teresa Sanchez Torres Esqueda
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Changing dose of progesterone results in sudden changes in frequency of luteinizing hormone pulses and secretion of 17β-estradiol in bovine females
EGM Bergfeld, FN Kojima, AS Cupp, ME Wehrman, KE Peters, V Mariscal, ...
Biology of reproduction 54 (3), 546-553, 1996
Luteinizing hormone has a role in development of fully functional corpora lutea (CL) but is not required to maintain CL function in heifers
RJKJEK Karol E.Peters, Ellen G. Bergfeld, Andrea S. Cupp, Freddie N. Kojima ...
Biology of Reproduction 1994 51, 1248, 1994
Dosage of the Synthetic Progestin, Norgestomet, Influences Luteinizing Hormone Pulse Frequency and Endogenous Secretion of 17β-Estradiol in Heifers
RJKJEK Teresa Sánchez, Michael E. Wehrman, Freddie N. Kojima, Andrea S. Cupp ...
Biology of Reproduction 52 (2), 464-469, 1995
A role for tachykinins in female mouse and rat reproductive function
CO Pintado, FM Pinto, JN Pennefather, A Hidalgo, A Baamonde, ...
Biology of reproduction 69 (3), 940-946, 2003
Pregnancy rate is greater when the corpus luteum is present during the period of progestin treatment to synchronize time of estrus in cows and heifers
T Sanchez, ME Wehrman, EG Bergfeld, KE Peters, FN Kojima, AS Cupp, ...
Biology of reproduction 49 (5), 1102-1107, 1993
Melengestrol acetate at greater doses than typically used for estrous synchrony in bovine females does not mimic endogenous progesterone in regulation of secretion of …
JEK Freddie N. Kojima, J.R Chenault, Michael E. Wehrman, Ellen G. Bergfeld ...
Biology of Reproduction 52, 455-463, 1995
Milk production in Holstein cows supplemented with different levels of ruminally protected methionine
A Lara, GD Mendoza, L Landois, R Barcena, MT Sánchez-Torres, R Rojo, ...
Livestock Science 105 (1-3), 105-108, 2006
Incidence of precocious puberty in developing beef heifers
DVMJEK M.E. Wehrman, F.N. Kojima, T. Sánchez
Journal of Animal Science. 74 74, 2462-2467, 1996
Frequency of luteinizing hormone pulses in cattle influences duration of persistence of dominant ovarian follicles, follicular fluid concentrations of steroids, and activity of …
JEK Freddie N.Kojima, Ellen G.Bergfeld, Michael E.Wehrman, Andrea S.Cupp ...
Animal Reproduction Sci. 77, 187-211, 2003
Influence of fence line bull exposure on duration of postpartum anoestrus and pregnancy rate in beef cows
JEK Karol E. Fike, Ellen G. Bergfeld, Andrea S. Cupp, Freddie N. Kojima ...
Animal Reproduction Science 41, 161-167, 1996
Frequency of luteinizing hormone pulses and circulating 17β-oestradiol concentration in cows is related to concentration of progesterone in circulation when the progesterone …
EG Bergfeld, FN Kojima, ME Wehrman, AS Cupp, KE Peters, V Mariscal, ...
Animal Reproduction Science 37 (3-4), 257-265, 1995
Two concentrations of progesterone (P4) in circulation have a differential effect on pattern of ovarian follicular development in the cow
A Cupp, M Garcia-Winder, A Zamudio, V Mariscal, M Wehrman, N Kojima, ...
Biol Reprod 46 (suppl 1), 222, 1992
Efecto de ECG e inseminación laparoscópica sobre el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (damara× merino)
JJ Martínez Tinajero¹, MT Sánchez Torres Esqueda, L Bucio Alanís, ...
Revista Científica 16 (1), 72-77, 2006
Productive performance and oxidative status of sheep fed diets supplemented with coffee pulp
T Salinas-Rios, ME Ortega-Cerrilla, MT Sánchez-Torres-Esqueda, ...
Small Ruminant Research 123 (1), 17-21, 2015
Changes in composition, antioxidant content, and antioxidant capacity of coffee pulp during the ensiling process
TS Rios, TS Torres, MEO Cerrilla, MS Hernández, AD Cruz, JH Bautista, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 43 (9), 492-498, 2014
IGF-I ovarian activity of goats in divergent body condition and with a supplement of non-degradable protein in rumen
M Guerra-García, CA Meza-Herrera, MT Sánchez-Torres-Esqueda, ...
Agrociencia 43 (3), 241-247, 2009
Gonadotropin secretion and development of ovarian follicles during oestrous cycles in heifers treated with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone antagonist
KE Fike, EG Bergfeld, AS Cupp, FN Kojima, V Mariscal, T Sanchez, ...
Animal Reproduction Science 49 (2-3), 83-100, 1997
Concentrations of gonadotropins, estradiol and progesterone in sows selected on an index of ovulation rate and embryo survival
JEK Dolores V. Mariscal, Ellen G.M. Bergfeld, Andrea S. Cupp, Freddie N ...
Animal Reproduction Sci. 54, 31-43, 1998
AMH in combination with SHBG for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome
M Calzada, N López, JA Noguera, J Mendiola, AI Hernández, S Corbalán, ...
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 39 (8), 1130-1136, 2019
Evaluation of an herbal choline feed plant additive in lamb feedlot rations
JA Martínez-Aispuro, GD Mendoza, JL Cordero-Mora, MA Ayala-Monter, ...
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 48, e20190020, 2019
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