Hui Zhao (赵晖)
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Cited by
Active power decoupling for high-power single-phase PWM rectifiers
H Li, K Zhang, H Zhao, S Fan, J Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (3), 1308-1319, 2012
A current-reference-based selective harmonic current mitigation PWM technique to improve the performance of cascaded H-bridge multilevel active rectifiers
A Moeini, H Zhao, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (1), 727-737, 2016
A real-time selective harmonic elimination based on a transient-free inner closed-loop control for cascaded multilevel inverters
H Zhao, T Jin, S Wang, L Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (2), 1000-1014, 2016
Nanocrystalline powder cores for high-power high-frequency power electronics applications
C Jiang, X Li, SS Ghosh, H Zhao, Y Shen, T Long
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (10), 10821-10830, 2020
Thermal Modeling and Design Optimization of PCB Vias and Pads
Y Shen, H Wang, F Blaabjerg, H Zhao, T Long
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 882 - 900, 2019
Power Loss Characterization and Modeling for GaN-Based Hard-Switching Half-Bridges Considering Dynamic On-State Resistance
R Hou, Y Shen, H Zhao, H Hu, J Lu, T Long
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 540-553, 2020
Prediction and Analysis of EMI Spectrum based on the Operating Principle of EMC Spectrum Analyzers
L Yang, S Wang, H Zhao, Y Zhi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (1), 263-275, 2020
A Single- and Three-Phase Grid Compatible Converter for Electric Vehicle (EV) On-Board Chargers
H Zhao, Y Shen, W Ying, SS Ghosh, MR Ahmed, T Long
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019
Measurement Techniques of Common Mode Currents, Voltages and Impedances in a Flyback Converter for Radiated EMI Diagnosis
J Yao, S Wang, H Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1997 - 2005, 2019
Critical parameter design for a cascaded h-bridge with selective harmonic elimination/compensation based on harmonic envelope analysis for single-phase systems
H Zhao, S Wang, A Moeini
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (4), 2914-2925, 2019
Develop parasitic inductance model for the planar busbar of an IGBT H bridge in a power inverter
N Zhang, S Wang, H Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (12), 6924-6933, 2015
Active DC-link power filter for single phase PWM rectifiers
H Li, K Zhang, H Zhao
8th International Conference on Power Electronics-ECCE Asia, 2920-2926, 2011
Common-mode EMI Noise Analysis and Reduction for AC-DC-AC Systems with Paralleled Power Modules
L Yang, H Zhao, S Wang, Y Zhi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 6989 - 7000, 2019
Modeling and Reduction of Radiated Common Mode Current in Flyback Converters
J Yao, Y Li, H Zhao, S Wang, Q Wang, Y Lu, D Fu
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018 IEEE, 6613-6620, 2018
Improve control to output dynamic response and extend modulation index range with hybrid selective harmonic current mitigation-PWM and phase-shift PWM for four-quadrant …
A Moeini, H Zhao, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (9), 6854-6863, 2017
Design of CM inductor based on core loss for radiated EMI reduction in power converters
J Yao, Y Li, H Zhao, S Wang
2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2673-2680, 2019
A four-quadrant modulation technique to extend modulation index range for multilevel selective harmonic elimination/compensation using staircase waveforms
H Zhao, S Wang
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (1), 233-243, 2016
DC-link active power filter for high-power single-phase PWM converters
H Li, K Zhang, H Zhao
Journal of power electronics 12 (3), 458-467, 2012
High efficiency, hybrid Selective Harmonic Elimination phase-shift PWM technique for Cascaded H-Bridge inverters to improve dynamic response and operate in complete normal …
A Moeini, H Zhao, S Wang
Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2016 IEEE, 2019-2026, 2016
Novel flexible nanocrystalline flake ribbons for high-frequency transformer design
X Li, C Jiang, H Zhao, B Wen, Y Jiang, T Long
2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2891-2896, 2021
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Articles 1–20