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Effect of local processing methods (boiling, frying and roasting) on the amino acid composition of four marine fishes commonly consumed in Nigeria
OO Oluwaniyi, OO Dosumu, GV Awolola
Food chemistry 123 (4), 1000-1006, 2010
Proximate and nutritional composition of kola nut (Cola nitida), bitter cola (Garcinia cola) and alligator pepper (Afromomum melegueta)
EO Odebunmi, OO Oluwaniyi, GV Awolola, OD Adediji
African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (2), 2009
Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of flavonoids and triterpenes isolated from the extracts of Ficus sansibarica Warb. subsp. sansibarica (Moraceae) extracts
GV Awolola, NA Koorbanally, H Chenia, FO Shode, H Baijnath
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 11 …, 2014
Inhibition of key enzymes linked to type 2 diabetes by compounds isolated from Aframomum melegueta fruit
A Mohammed, VA Gbonjubola, NA Koorbanally, MS Islam
Pharmaceutical biology 55 (1), 1010-1016, 2017
Adsorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by activated carbon prepared from cow dung
SE Elaigwu, LA Usman, GV Awolola, GB Adebayo, RMK Ajayi
Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences 3 (3), 442-446, 2009
Stability studies and mineral concentration of some Nigerian packed fruit juices, concentrate and local beverages
OO Dosumu, OO Oluwaniyi, GV Awolola, MO Okunola
Afr. J. Food Sci 3 (3), 082-085, 2009
Effect of cooking method on the proximate, amino acid and fatty acid compositions of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus
OO Oluwaniyi, OO Dosumu, GV Awolola
Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry 4 (1), 115-132, 2017
Nutritional Composition and Antimicrobial Properties of Three Nigerian Condiments.
OO Dosumu, OO Oluwaniyi, GV Awolola, OO Oyedeji
Nigerian Food Journal 30 (1), 43-52, 2012
Nutritional Composition and Antimicrobial Properties of Three Nigerian Condiments.
OO Dosumu, OO Oluwaniyi, GV Awolola, OO and Oyedeji
Nigerian Food Journal 30 (1), 43-52, 2012
Nutritional analysis and stability studies of some natural and synthetic food colourants
OO Oluwaniyi, OO Dosumu, GV Awolola, AF Abdulraheem
American journal of food technology 4 (5), 218-225, 2009
Physico-chemical, functional and pasting properties of composite flour made from wheat, plantain and Bambara for biscuit production.
AK Arise, AO Dauda, GV Awolola, TV Akinlolu-ojo
Annals: Food Science & Technology 18 (4), 2017
Evaluation of phytoconstituent and wound-healing potential of methanolic waste shell extract of Elaeis guineensis Jacquin in female rats
GV Awolola, SS Emmanuel, AA Adesibikan
Phytomedicine Plus 1 (4), 100126, 2021
Anti-adhesion potential of non-polar compounds and extracts from Ficus natalensis
GV Awolola, H Chenia, H Baijnath, NA Koorbanally
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 27, 599-602, 2017
Biological evaluation of phytoconstituents from Markhamia tomentosa ethanolic leaf extract
MB Ibrahim, AA Sowemimo, L Venables, NA Koorbanally, GV Awolola, ...
South African Journal of Botany 115, 31-36, 2018
Adsorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by activated carbon prepared from cow dung
SE Elaigwu, LA Usman, GV Awolola, GB Adebayo, RMK Ajayi
Environmental Research Journal 4 (4), 257-260, 2010
The phytochemistry and gastroprotective activities of the leaves of Ficus glumosa
GV Awolola, MO Sofidiya, H Baijnath, SS Noren, NA Koorbanally
South African Journal of Botany 126, 190-195, 2019
Toxicity assessment of natural and chemical coagulants using brine shrimp (Artemia salina) bioassay
GV Awolola, OO Oluwaniyi, A Solanke, OO Dosumu, AO Shuiab
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4 (3), 2010
Physico-chemical and sensory properties of a cheese-like product from the blend of soymilk and almond milk
AK Arise, DO Opaleke, KO Salami, GV Awolola, DF Akinboro
Agrosearch 19 (2), 54-63, 2020
Refining, Modification and Characterization of Tobacco Seed (nicotiana tobacum) oil for its Improved potentials for industrial use.
GV Awolola, DS Ogunniyi, OO Oluwaniyi
Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 23, 2168-2174, 2010
Effect of alkaline hydrolysis on the quantity of extractable protein fractions (prolamin, albumin, globulin and glutelin) in Jatropha curcas seed cake
LA Usman, OM Ameen, A Lawal, GV Awolola
African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (22), 2009
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Articles 1–20