Maria de la Paz Alegre Salguero
Maria de la Paz Alegre Salguero
Técnico para la ayuda a la investigación en la Universidad de Cádiz
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A García, M Alegre
Madrid: Ediciones Paraninfo SA, 2011
Critical boron-doping levels for generation of dislocations in synthetic diamond
MP Alegre, D Araujo, A Fiori, JC Pinero, F Lloret, MP Villar, P Achatz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (17), 2014
Electronic and physico-chemical properties of nanometric boron delta-doped diamond structures
G Chicot, A Fiori, PN Volpe, TN Tran Thi, JC Gerbedoen, J Bousquet, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (8), 2014
Boron concentration profiling by high angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy in homoepitaxial δ-doped diamond layers
D Araújo, MP Alegre, JC Pinero, A Fiori, E Bustarret, F Jomard
Applied Physics Letters 103 (4), 2013
Seguridad informática
A Cervigón, M Alegre
Madrid: Paraninfo, 2011
TEM study of defects versus growth orientations in heavily boron‐doped diamond
F Lloret, D Araujo, MP Alegre, JM Gonzalez‐Leal, MP Villar, D Eon, ...
physica status solidi (a) 212 (11), 2468-2473, 2015
Local boron doping quantification in homoepitaxial diamond structures
D Araújo, P Achatz, R El Bouayadi, AJ García, MP Alegre, MP Villar, ...
Diamond and related materials 19 (7-9), 972-975, 2010
Metal–oxide–diamond interface investigation by TEM: Toward MOS and Schottky power device behavior
JC Piñero, D Araujo, A Traoré, G Chicot, A Maréchal, P Muret, MP Alegre, ...
physica status solidi (a) 211 (10), 2367-2371, 2014
Hydrogen passivation of boron acceptors in as-grown boron-doped CVD diamond epilayers
C Fernández-Lorenzo, D Araujo, J Martin, R Alcántara, J Navas, MP Villar, ...
Diamond and related materials 19 (7-9), 904-907, 2010
Dislocation generation mechanisms in heavily boron-doped diamond epilayers
D Araujo, F Lloret, G Alba, MP Alegre, MP Villar
Applied Physics Letters 118 (5), 2021
Cross sectional evaluation of boron doping and defect distribution in homoepitaxial diamond layers
D Araújo, MP Alegre, AJ García, MP Villar, E Bustarret, P Achatz, ...
Physica Status Solidi C 8 (4), 1366-1370, 2011
Influence of the substrate type on CVD grown homoepitaxial diamond layer quality by cross sectional TEM and CL analysis
D Araújo, MP Alegre, AJ García, J Navas, MP Villar, E Bustarret, PN Volpe, ...
Diamond and related materials 20 (3), 428-432, 2011
Interfacial integrity enhancement of atomic layer deposited alumina on boron doped diamond by surface plasma functionalization
A Jaggernauth, RM Silva, MA Neto, FJ Oliveira, IK Bdikin, MP Alegre, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 397, 125991, 2020
A microstructural study of superconductive nanocrystalline diamond
MP Villar, MP Alegre, D Araújo, E Bustarret, P Achatz, L Saminadayar, ...
physica status solidi (a) 206 (9), 1986-1990, 2009
High resolution boron content profilometry at δ-doping epitaxial diamond interfaces by CTEM
JC Piñero, F Lloret, MP Alegre, MP Villar, A Fiori, E Bustarret, D Araújo
Applied Surface Science 461, 221-226, 2018
TEM study of superconducting polycrystalline diamond
MP Alegre, MP Villar, D Araújo, E Bustarret, E Capron, OA Williams
AIP Conference proceedings 1292, 133-136, 2010
Epitaxial Growth of Boron Carbide on 4H-SiC
Y Benamra, L Auvray, J Andrieux, F Cauwet, MP Alegre, F Lloret, ...
Solid State Phenomena 343, 3-8, 2023
Aplicación de metodologías de aprendizaje basado en casos prácticos para la enseñanza de asignaturas científico-tecnológicas
MPY Sigüenza, MTB Fenández, MPA Salguero, OB Miguel, DS Lérida
Brazilian Journal of Development 10 (3), e68400-e68400, 2024
Didácticas de aprendizaje: clases magistrales frente al aprendizaje basado en problemas en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Algeciras
MPA Salguero, DS Lérida, DF de los Reyes, MPY Siguenza, ...
Brazilian Journal of Development 9 (11), 29772-29797, 2023
Evolución de las enseñanzas practicas post-COVID 19: estudio de un caso en el seno de los grados de ingeniería en tecnología industrial e ingeniería mecánica en la Universidad …
MPA Salguero, DF de los Reyes, MPV Castro, FJP Romero, JMS Amaya
Brazilian Journal of Development 9 (7), 22973-22994, 2023
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Articles 1–20