Claire Saraux
Claire Saraux
Researcher, CNRS
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Reliability of flipper-banded penguins as indicators of climate change
C Saraux, C Le Bohec, JM Durant, VA Viblanc, M Gauthier-Clerc, ...
Nature 469 (7329), 203-206, 2011
Rapid changes in growth, condition, size and age of small pelagic fish in the Mediterranean
E Van Beveren, S Bonhommeau, JM Fromentin, JL Bigot, JH Bourdeix, ...
Marine biology 161, 1809-1822, 2014
Small pelagic fish dynamics: A review of mechanisms in the Gulf of Lions
C Saraux, E Van Beveren, P Brosset, Q Queiros, JH Bourdeix, G Dutto, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 159, 52-61, 2019
Spatio-temporal patterns and environmental controls of small pelagic fish body condition from contrasted Mediterranean areas
P Brosset, JM Fromentin, E Van Beveren, J Lloret, V Marques, G Basilone, ...
Progress in oceanography 151, 149-162, 2017
Influence of environmental variability and age on the body condition of small pelagic fish in the Gulf of Lions
P Brosset, F Ménard, JM Fromentin, S Bonhommeau, C Ulses, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 529, 219-231, 2015
Microplastics FTIR characterisation and distribution in the water column and digestive tracts of small pelagic fish in the Gulf of Lions
C Lefebvre, C Saraux, O Heitz, A Nowaczyk, D Bonnet
Marine pollution bulletin 142, 510-519, 2019
Spatial structure and distribution of small pelagic fish in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
C Saraux, JM Fromentin, JL Bigot, JH Bourdeix, M Morfin, D Roos, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e111211, 2014
Best practices for assessing forage fish fisheries-seabird resource competition
WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, T Anker-Nilssen, M Arimitsu, A Bennison, ...
Fisheries Research 194, 209-221, 2017
Body reserves mediate trade-offs between life-history traits: new insights from small pelagic fish reproduction
P Brosset, J Lloret, M Muñoz, C Fauvel, E Van Beveren, V Marques, ...
Royal Society Open Science 3 (10), 160202, 2016
Linking small pelagic dietary shifts with ecosystem changes in the Gulf of Lions
P Brosset, B Le Bourg, D Costalago, D Bănaru, E Van Beveren, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 554, 157-171, 2016
Plasticity in foraging strategies of inshore birds: how little penguins maintain body reserves while feeding offspring
C Saraux, SM Robinson-Laverick, Y Le Maho, Y Ropert-Coudert, ...
Ecology 92 (10), 1909-1916, 2011
Importance of coastal Marine Protected Areas for the conservation of pelagic seabirds: The case of Vulnerable yelkouan shearwaters in the Mediterranean Sea
C Péron, D Grémillet, A Prudor, E Pettex, C Saraux, A Soriano-Redondo, ...
Biological conservation 168, 210-221, 2013
Measurement and analysis of small pelagic fish condition: A suitable method for rapid evaluation in the field
P Brosset, JM Fromentin, F Ménard, F Pernet, JH Bourdeix, JL Bigot, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 462, 90-97, 2015
Concomitant changes in the environment and small pelagic fish community of the Gulf of Lions
G Feuilloley, JM Fromentin, L Stemmann, H Demarcq, C Estournel, ...
Progress in Oceanography 186, 102375, 2020
Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early‐and late‐born king penguin chicks and their survival correlates
A Stier, VA Viblanc, S Massemin‐Challet, Y Handrich, S Zahn, ER Rojas, ...
Functional ecology 28 (3), 601-611, 2014
The fisheries history of small pelagics in the Northern Mediterranean
E Van Beveren, JM Fromentin, T Rouyer, S Bonhommeau, P Brosset, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (6), 1474-1484, 2016
Carry-over body mass effect from winter to breeding in a resident seabird, the little penguin
M Salton, C Saraux, P Dann, A Chiaradia
Royal Society Open Science 2 (1), 140390, 2015
Telomere length reflects individual quality in free-living adult king penguins
M Le Vaillant, VA Viblanc, C Saraux, C Le Bohec, Y Le Maho, A Kato, ...
Polar Biology 38, 2059-2067, 2015
Effects of individual pre-fledging traits and environmental conditions on return patterns in juvenile king penguins
C Saraux, VA Viblanc, N Hanuise, Y Le Maho, C Le Bohec
PloS one 6 (6), e20407, 2011
Trophic niche overlap of sprat and commercial small pelagic teleosts in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea)
B Le Bourg, D Bănaru, C Saraux, A Nowaczyk, E Le Luherne, A Jadaud, ...
Journal of Sea Research 103, 138-146, 2015
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Articles 1–20