Andrew Bergan
Andrew Bergan
Research Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center
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Cited by
A Mode I cohesive law characterization procedure for through-the-thickness crack propagation in composite laminates
A Bergan, C Dávila, F Leone, J Awerbuch, TM Tan
Composites Part B: Engineering 94, 338-349, 2016
Computational micromechanics model for the analysis of fiber kinking in unidirectional fiber-reinforced polymers
M Herráez, AC Bergan, CS Lopes, C González
Mechanics of Materials 142, 103299, 2020
A constitutive model for fiber kinking: Formulation, finite element implementation, and verification
AC Bergan, M Herráez, C González, CS Lopes
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 129, 105682, 2020
Assessment of damage containment features of a full-scale PRSEUS fuselage panel
A Bergan, J Bakuckas Jr, J Awerbuch, TM Tan
Composite Structures 113, 174-185, 2014
A critical assessment of design tools for stress analysis of adhesively bonded double lap joints
SE Stapleton, B Stier, S Jones, A Bergan, I Kaleel, M Petrolo, E Carrera, ...
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 28 (8), 791-811, 2021
Modeling fiber kinking at the microscale and mesoscale
M Herraez, AC Bergan, C Gonzalez, CS Lopes
Full-scale test and analysis of a PRSEUS fuselage panel to assess damage-containment features
A Bergan, JG Bakuckas, AE Lovejoy, DC Jegley, KA Linton, G Korkosz, ...
2011 Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment (AAS) Conference, 2011
An automated meshing framework for progressive damage analysis of fabrics using compdam
AC Bergan
American Society for Composites 35th technical conference, 2020
Implementation of a matrix crack spacing parameter in a continuum damage mechanics finite element model
I Hyder, FA Leone, BP Justusson, JD Schaefer, A Bergan, S Wanthal
Proceedings of the American Society for Composites, 2018
Test and analysis of stitched composite structures to assess damage containment capability
AC Bergan
Drexel University, 2014
Influence of stochastic adhesive porosity and material variability on failure behavior of adhesively bonded composite sandwich joints
R Larson, A Bergan, F Leone, OG Kravchenko
Composite Structures 306, 116608, 2023
Development of a mesoscale finite element constitutive model for fiber kinking
A Bergan, M Herráez, C González, C Lopes
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2018
Multiscale simulation of deployable composite structures
Y Long, O Rique Garaizar, JM Fernandez, A Bergan, W Yu
AIAA SciTech 2021 Forum, 0199, 2021
A continuum damage mechanics model to predict kink-band propagation using deformation gradient tensor decomposition
AC Bergan, FA Leone Jr
American Society for Composites Technical Conference, 2016
CompDam–deformation gradient decomposition (DGD), v2. 2.0
FA Leone Jr, AC Bergan, CG Dávila
In-situ observations of longitudinal compression damage in carbon-epoxy cross ply laminates using fast synchrotron radiation computed tomography
AC Bergan, SC Garcea
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D30 Meeting, 2017
Assessment of damage containment features of a full-scale prseus fuselage panel through test and teardown
AC Bergan, JG Bakuckas Jr, AE Lovejoy, DC Jegley, J Awerbuch, TM Tan
15th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, 2012
Simulation of the column bending test using an anisotropic viscoelastic shell model
Y Long, O Rique, JM Fernandez, AC Bergan, JE Salazar, W Yu
Composite Structures 288, 115376, 2022
Full-scale test and analysis results of a PRSEUS fuselage panel to assess damage containment features
A Bergan, JG Bakuckas Jr, A Lovejoy, D Jegley, K Linton, B Neal, ...
2012 Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment Conference, 2012
Quantification of damage evolution in cross-ply polymer composites under longitudinal compression by fast computed tomography and semi-automated segmentation
AC Bergan, SC Garcea, PJ Withers
Composites Science and Technology 241, 110128, 2023
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Articles 1–20