Haoyu Wu
Haoyu Wu
Meta, UC Berkeley
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Nanoscale heat transfer in the head-disk interface for heat assisted magnetic recording
H Wu, S Xiong, S Canchi, E Schreck, D Bogy
Applied Physics Letters 108 (9), 2016
Lubricant reflow after laser heating in heat assisted magnetic recording
H Wu, AR Mendez, S Xiong, DB Bogy
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (17), 2015
Use of an embedded contact sensor to study nanoscale heat transfer in heat assisted magnetic recording
H Wu, D Bogy
Applied Physics Letters 110 (3), 2017
Head flying characteristics in heat assisted magnetic recording considering various nanoscale heat transfer models
Y Hu, H Wu, Y Meng, Y Wang, D Bogy
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (3), 2018
Nanoscale thermal analysis for heat-assisted magnetic recording
Y Hu, H Wu, Y Meng, DB Bogy
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (13), 2017
Lubricant depletion under various laser heating conditions in Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR)
S Xiong, H Wu, D Bogy
Optical Data Storage 2014 9201, 34-43, 2014
A generalized model for the prediction of the permeability of mixed-matrix membranes using impermeable fillers of diverse geometry
H Wu, B Kruczek, J Thibault
Journal of Membrane Science 641, 119951, 2022
Object detection using multiple neural network configurations
H Wu, S Xiong, T Hirano
US Patent 11,301,705, 2022
A Study of the Head Disk Interface in Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording-Energy and Mass Transfer in Nanoscale
H Wu
University of California, Berkeley, 2018
A Numerical Study of the Nanoscale Heat Transfer in the Head-Disk Interface for Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording
H Wu, D Bogy
Information Storage and Processing Systems 49880, V001T01A003, 2016
On the limitation of the time-lag method for characterizing mixed-matrix membranes embedding filler particles of different permeability
H Wu, J Thibault, B Kruczek
Journal of Membrane Science 663, 121074, 2022
Surveillance video streams with embedded object data
S Xiong, T Hirano, Q Zhong, H Wu, D Berman
US Patent 11,496,671, 2022
A Numerical Investigation of the Nanoscale Heat Transfer in Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording
Y Hu, H Wu, Y Meng, D Bogy
Information Storage and Processing Systems 58103, V001T01A002, 2017
Determination of time lag by accurate monitoring of pressure decay in a new generation constant volume system
P Leszczynski, Z Cao, H Wu, J Thibault, B Kruczek
MethodsX 13, 102858, 2024
Smart video surveillance system using a neural network engine
S Xiong, T Hirano, H Wu
US Patent 11,875,569, 2024
Asynchronous Neural Network Systems
H Wu, Q Zhong, T Hirano
US Patent App. 17/178,809, 2022
A Heat Transfer Study in the Head Disk Interface and an Insight to Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording Design
H Wu, D Bogy
Information Storage and Processing Systems 58103, V001T01A007, 2017
Partial Immobilization and Non-Instantaneous Equilibrium Models for Gas Membrane Transport Mechanism
H Wu, B Kruczek, J Thibault
Proce. 4th Int. Con. Fluid Flow, Heat Mass Transfer, 1-3, 2017
Research on the IGA Based Multi-hole Wall Plate Structure’s Design Technology
H Wu, G Zhao, X Du, W Wang
Sensor system with low power sensor devices and high power sensor devices
S Xiong, T Hirano, H Wu
US Patent 11,825,221, 2023
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Articles 1–20