Jimmy Ming-Tai Wu
Jimmy Ming-Tai Wu
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Anomaly detection of defects on concrete structures with the convolutional autoencoder
JK Chow, Z Su, J Wu, PS Tan, X Mao, YH Wang
Advanced Engineering Informatics 45, 101105, 2020
A graph-based CNN-LSTM stock price prediction algorithm with leading indicators
JMT Wu, Z Li, N Herencsar, B Vo, JCW Lin
Multimedia Systems 29 (3), 1751-1770, 2023
A blockchain-based multi-cloud storage data auditing scheme to locate faults
C Zhang, Y Xu, Y Hu, J Wu, J Ren, Y Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 10 (4), 2252-2263, 2021
Applying an ensemble convolutional neural network with Savitzky–Golay filter to construct a phonocardiogram prediction model
JMT Wu, MH Tsai, YZ Huang, SKH Islam, MM Hassan, A Alelaiwi, ...
Applied Soft Computing 78, 29-40, 2019
Mining high-utility itemsets based on particle swarm optimization
JCW Lin, L Yang, P Fournier-Viger, JMT Wu, TP Hong, LSL Wang, J Zhan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 55, 320-330, 2016
An ACO-based approach to mine high-utility itemsets
JMT Wu, J Zhan, JCW Lin
Knowledge-Based Systems 116, 102-113, 2017
High-utility itemset mining with effective pruning strategies
JMT Wu, JCW Lin, A Tamrakar
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 13 (6), 1-22, 2019
An effective parallel approach for genetic-fuzzy data mining
TP Hong, YC Lee, MT Wu
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (2), 655-662, 2014
Vanadium dioxide nanowire-based microthermometer for quantitative evaluation of electron beam heating
H Guo, MI Khan, C Cheng, W Fan, C Dames, J Wu, AM Minor
Nature communications 5 (1), 4986, 2014
A genetic algorithm for the waitable time-varying multi-depot green vehicle routing problem
CM Chen, S Lv, J Ning, JMT Wu
Symmetry 15 (1), 124, 2023
A graph‐based convolutional neural network stock price prediction with leading indicators
JMT Wu, Z Li, G Srivastava, MH Tasi, JCW Lin
Software: Practice and Experience 51 (3), 628-644, 2021
Security analysis and enhancement of a certificateless searchable public key encryption scheme for IIoT environments
TY Wu, CM Chen, KH Wang, JMT Wu
IEEE Access 7, 49232-49239, 2019
Ant colony system sanitization approach to hiding sensitive itemsets
JMT Wu, J Zhan, JCW Lin
IEEE Access 5, 10024-10039, 2017
Fuzzy high-utility pattern mining in parallel and distributed Hadoop framework
JMT Wu, G Srivastava, M Wei, U Yun, JCW Lin
Information Sciences 553, 31-48, 2021
Deep convolutional neural network–based pixel-wise landslide inventory mapping
Z Su, JK Chow, PS Tan, J Wu, YK Ho, YH Wang
Landslides 18, 1421-1443, 2021
A sanitization approach to secure shared data in an IoT environment
JCW Lin, JMT Wu, P Fournier-Viger, Y Djenouri, CH Chen, Y Zhang
IEEE Access 7, 25359-25368, 2019
TUB-HAUPM: Tighter upper bound for mining high average-utility patterns
JMT Wu, JCW Lin, M Pirouz, P Fournier-Viger
IEEE Access 6, 18655-18669, 2018
Lightweight authentication protocol in edge-based smart grid environment
CM Chen, L Chen, Y Huang, S Kumar, JMT Wu
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2021, 1-18, 2021
Canvass: A crowd-sourced, natural-product screening library for exploring biological space
SE Kearney, G Zahoránszky-Kőhalmi, KR Brimacombe, MJ Henderson, ...
ACS central science 4 (12), 1727-1741, 2018
Finding Top- Dominance on Incomplete Big Data Using MapReduce Framework
P Ezatpoor, J Zhan, JMT Wu, C Chiu
IEEE Access 6, 7872-7887, 2018
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Articles 1–20