Felix J. Lawrence
Felix J. Lawrence
Postgraduate Student, University of Sydney
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Antireflection coatings for two-dimensional photonic crystals using a rigorous impedance definition
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, CM de Sterke
Applied Physics Letters 93 (12), 2008
Photonic-crystal surface modes found from impedances
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, RC McPhedran, CM de Sterke
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 053840, 2010
Impedance of square and triangular lattice photonic crystals
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, CM de Sterke, RC McPhedran
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 023826, 2009
Modeling photonic crystal interfaces and stacks: impedance-based approaches
FJ Lawrence, CM de Sterke, LC Botten, RC McPhedran, KB Dossou
Advances in Optics and Photonics 5 (4), 385-455, 2013
EMUstack: an open source route to insightful electromagnetic computation via the Bloch mode scattering matrix method
BCP Sturmberg, KB Dossou, FJ Lawrence, CG Poulton, RC McPhedran, ...
Computer Physics Communications 202, 276-286, 2016
Coupled waveguide modes in hexagonal photonic crystals
JS Brownless, S Mahmoodian, KB Dossou, FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, ...
Optics Express 18 (24), 25346-25360, 2010
Semi-analytic method for slow light photonic crystal waveguide design
P Blown, C Fisher, FJ Lawrence, N Gutman, CM de Sterke
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 10 (4), 478-484, 2012
A flexible Bloch mode method for computing complex band structures and impedances of two-dimensional photonic crystals
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, RC McPhedran, C Martijn de Sterke
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (1), 013105-013105-8, 2012
Impedance of photonic crystals
F Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, CM de Sterke
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JTuA127, 2008
Supermodes of hexagonal lattice waveguide arrays
JS Brownless, FJ Lawrence, S Mahmoodian, KB Dossou, LC Botten, ...
JOSA B 29 (6), 1338-1346, 2012
Photonic crystal antireflection coatings, surface modes, and impedances
FJ Lawrence
School of Physics, 2012
Bloch-mode based homogenisation of photonic crystals
FJ Lawrence, KB Dossou, LC Botten, RC McPhedran, CM de Sterke
35th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, 1-3, 2010
Waveguides arrays in hexagonal photonic crystals
CM de Sterke, H Moore, JS Brownless, F Lawrence, S Mahmoodian, ...
Laser Science, LTu4H. 2, 2014
Peering into the mirror: slow light in PC waveguides
P Blown, N Gutman, FJ Lawrence, CM de Sterke
Frontiers in Optics, FThN6, 2011
Diffraction engineering with braided modes in photonic crystal waveguide arrays
JS Brownless, FJ Lawrence, S Mahmoodian, KB Dossou, LC Botten, ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, J721, 2011
Guiding mechanisms and dispersion engineering in photonic crystal waveguides
JS Brownless, S Mahmoodian, FJ Lawrence, KB Dossou, LC Botten, ...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, J1054, 2011
Photonic-crystal surface modes found from impedances (vol 82, 053840, 2010)
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, RC McPhedran, CM de Sterke
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 83 (2), 2011
Coupled photonic crystal waveguides in hexagonal lattices
JS Brownless, S Mahmoodian, KB Dossou, FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FThJ3, 2010
Impedance of square and hexagonal photonic crystals
FJ Lawrence, LC Botten, KB Dossou, CM de Sterke
International Quantum Electronics Conference, JThE110, 2009
Antireflection Coatings for 2D Photonic Crystals: A Rigorous Impedance Based Treatment
LC Botten, F Lawrence, KB Dossou, CM de Sterke
Session 2P6 Elecromagnetic Field in Bio Magnetism Materials and Instrument …, 0
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Articles 1–20