Terhi Mäntylä
Terhi Mäntylä
Associate professor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
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The role of visual representations in scientific practices: from conceptual understanding and knowledge generation to ‘seeing’how science works
M Evagorou, S Erduran, T Mäntylä
International journal of Stem education 2, 1-13, 2015
Generative role of experiments in physics and in teaching physics: a suggestion for epistemological reconstruction
IT Koponen, T Mäntylä
Science & Education 15 (1), 31-54, 2006
Understanding the role of measurements in creating physical quantities: A case study of learning to quantify temperature in physics teacher education
T Mäntylä, IT Koponen
Science & Education 16, 291-311, 2007
Consolidating pre-service physics teachers’ subject matter knowledge using didactical reconstructions
T Mäntylä, M Nousiainen
Science & Education 23, 1583-1604, 2014
Didactical Reconstruction of Processes in Knowledge Construction: Pre-service Physics Teachers Learning the Law of Electromagnetic Induction
T Mäntylä
Research in Science Education 42 (2), 791-812, 2012
The role of physics departments in developing student teachers' expertise in teaching physics
IT Koponen, T Mäntylä, J Lavonen
European Journal of Physics 25 (5), 645, 2004
Changes in university students’ explanation models of dc circuits
T Kokkonen, T Mäntylä
Research in Science Education 48, 753-775, 2018
Promoting conceptual development in physics teacher education: Cognitive-historical reconstruction of electromagnetic induction law
T Mäntylä
Science & Education 22, 1361-1387, 2013
Obtaining laws through quantifying experiments: justifications of pre-service physics teachers in the case of electric current, voltage and resistance
T Mäntylä, A Hämäläinen
Science & Education 24, 699-723, 2015
Knowledge organization in physics textbooks: A case study of magnetostatics
S Majidi, TK Mäntylä
Journal of Baltic Science Education 10 (4), 285-299, 2011
Didactical reconstructions for organizing knowledge in physics teacher education
T Mäntylä
Helsingin yliopisto, 2011
Mullistaako laaja-alaisuus kouluopetuksen?: Luokanopettajien käsityksiä laaja-alaisuudesta vuoden 2016 opetussuunnitelmassa
I Oinonen, SM Salonen-Hakomäki, T Mäntylä, J Eskola
Aikamme kasvatus: vain muutos on pysyvää? 14: eläytymismenetelmätutkimusta, 2018
Challenges of Web-based education in physic teachers’ training
IT Koponen, T Mäntylä, J Lavonen
Proceedings of ICTE.–2002.–Р, 291-295, 2002
The focus and timing of gaze matters: Investigating collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combined video and eye tracking
J Lämsä, J Kotkajuuri, A Lehtinen, P Koskinen, T Mäntylä, J Kilpeläinen, ...
Frontiers in education 7, 942224, 2022
Networks Applied in Science Education Research
IT Koponen, T Mäntylä
Education Sciences 10 (5), 142, 2020
Mullistaako laaja-alaisuus kouluopetuksen
I Oinonen, SM Salonen-Hakomäki, T Mäntylä, J Eskola
Luokanopettajien käsityksiä laaja-alaisuudesta vuoden, 137-164, 2016
From fragmented to structured knowledge in physics teacher education
T Mäntylä
Ph. D. Thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland, www. esera. org, 2006
Tarvitaanko ainedidaktikkoja?
M Kallio, A Kallioniemi, T Mäntylä, S Routarinne
Ainedidaktiikka 6 (2), 2022
Ainedidaktiikka: sateenvarjo vai prisma?
M Kallio, T Mäntylä, A Kallioniemi, S Routarinne
Ainedidaktiikka 5 (1), 1–2-1–2, 2021
Collaborative Concept Mapping by Using CmapTools: Supporting Conceptualisation and Learning in Higher Education
M Pehkonen, IT Koponen, T Mäntylä
A. Méndez Vilas, A. Solano Martín, J. Mesa González & JA, 2009
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Articles 1–20