Vladimir Zakharov
Vladimir Zakharov
landau Inst. for Theor. Phys.; University of Arizona; Lebedev Phys. Inst.; Novosibirsk State Univ.
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Exact theory of two-dimensional self-focusing and one-dimensional self-modulation of waves in nonlinear media
A Shabat, V Zakharov
Sov. Phys. JETP 34 (1), 62, 1972
Stability of periodic waves of finite amplitude on the surface of a deep fluid
VE Zakharov
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 9 (2), 190-194, 1968
Theory of solitons: the inverse scattering method
S Novikov, SV Manakov, LP Pitaevskii, VE Zakharov
Springer Science & Business Media, 1984
Collapse of Langmuir waves
VE Zakharov
Sov. Phys. JETP 35 (5), 908-914, 1972
Kolmogorov spectra of turbulence I: Wave turbulence
VE Zakharov, VS L'vov, G Falkovich
Springer Science & Business Media, 1992
Exact theory of two-dimensional self-focusing and one-dimensional self-modulation of waves in nonlinear media
VE Zakharov, AB Shabat
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 61 (1), 118-134, 1971
Theory of solitons. The method of the inverse problem
VE Zakharov, SV Manakov, SP Novikov, LP Pitaevskii
Science 320, 1980
On three dimensional solitons
VE Zakharov, EA Kuznetsov
Zhurnal Eksp. Teoret. Fiz 66, 594-597, 1974
Interaction between solitons in a stable medium
VE Zakharov, AB Shabat
Sov. Phys. JETP 37 (5), 823-828, 1973
A scheme for integrating the nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of the inverse scattering problem. I
VE Zakharov, AB Shabat
Funktsional'nyi Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 8 (3), 43-53, 1974
Modulation instability: the beginning
VE Zakharov, LA Ostrovsky
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 238 (5), 540-548, 2009
Integration of the Einstein equations by the inverse scattering problem technique and calculation of the exact soliton solutions
VA Belinskij, VE Zakharov
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 75(6), 1955-1971, (1978) [Sov. Phys. JETP, 48(6), 985 …, 1978
Korteweg–de Vries equation: A completely integrable Hamiltonian system
VE Zakharov, LD Faddeev
Funktsional'nyi Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 5 (4), 18-27, 1971
Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II
VE Zakharov, AB Shabat
Funktsional'nyi Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 13 (3), 13-22, 1979
Soliton stability in plasmas and hydrodynamics
EA Kuznetsov, AM Rubenchik, VE Zakharov
Physics Reports 142 (3), 103-165, 1986
Two-dimensional solitons of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation and their interaction
SV Manakov, VE Zakharov, LA Bordag, AR Its, VB Matveev
Physics Letters A 63 (3), 205-206, 1977
Soliton theory
VE Zakharov, SV Manakov, SP Novikov, LP Pitaevsky
The inverse problem method, Nauka, Moscow Russia, 1980
Equivalence of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the equation of a Heisenberg ferromagnet
VE Zakharov, LA Takhtadzhyan
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 38 (1), 17-23, 1979
Measuring quantum-chromodynamic anomalies in hadronic transitions between quarkonium states
M Voloshin, V Zakharov
Physical Review Letters 45 (9), 688, 1980
Stationary gravitational solitons with axial symmetry
VA Belinskii, VE Zakharov
Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 77, 3-19, 1979
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Articles 1–20