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Preparasi, modifikasi dan karakterisasi katalis Ni-Mo/zeolit alam dan Mo-Ni/zeolit alam
W Trisunaryanti, E Triwahyuni, S Sudiono
Teknoin 10 (4), 2005
Chitin–humic acid hybrid as adsorbent for Cr (III) in effluent of tannery wastewater treatment
SJ Santosa, D Siswanta, S Sudiono, R Utarianingrum
Applied Surface Science 254 (23), 7846-7850, 2008
Utilisasi TiO2-zeolit dan sinar uv untuk fotodegradasi zat warna congo red
K Wijaya, E Sugiharto, I Fatimah, S Sudiono, D Kurniaysih
Teknoin 11 (3), 2006
The synthesis of SO4/ZrO2 and Zr/CaO catalysts via hydrothermal treatment and their application for conversion of low-grade coconut oil into biodiesel
MS La Ore, K Wijaya, W Trisunaryanti, WD Saputri, E Heraldy, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (5), 104205, 2020
Synthesis and utilization of chitin–humic acid hybrid as sorbent for Cr (III)
SJ Santosa, D Siswanta, S Sudiono, M Sehol
Surface science 601 (22), 5148-5154, 2007
The Role of Carboxyl and Hydroxyl Groups of Humic Acid in Removing AuCl 4-from Aqueous Solution
S Sudiono, M Yuniarti, D Siswanta, ES Kunarti, T Triyono, SJ Santosa
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 17 (1), 95-104, 2017
Synthesis of activated carbon/chitosan/alginate beads powder as an adsorbent for methylene blue and methyl violet 2B dyes
MAK Purnaningtyas, S Sudiono, D Siswanta
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 20 (5), 1119-1130, 2020
Mechanism of the Removal of AuCl4 Ions from Aqueous Solution by Means of Peat Soil Humin
SJ Santosa, S Sudiono, D Siswanta, ES Kunarti, SR Dewi
Adsorption Science & Technology 29 (8), 733-746, 2011
Preparation, characterizations and modification of Ni-Pd/natural zeolite catalysts
W Trisunaryanti, E Triwahyuni, S Sudiono
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 5 (1), 48-53, 2005
Self-regeneration of Monodisperse Hierarchical Porous NiMo/Silica Catalyst Induced by NaHCO3 for Biofuel Production
A Nadia, K Wijaya, II Falah, S Sudiono, A Budiman
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-13, 2022
Effectively Synthesizing SO4/TiO2 Catalyst and Its Performance for Converting Ethanol into Diethyl Ether (DEE)
K Wijaya, AR Putri, S Sudiono, S Mulijani, A Patah, AC Wibowo, ...
Catalysts 11 (12), 1492, 2021
Relation of electronic structures with their antimalarial activities on artemisinin derivatives
R Armunanto, S Sudiono
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 4 (3), 212-217, 2010
Solvent-free mechanochemically synthesized Zn layered hydroxide salts for the adsorption of naphtholate AS dye
SJ Santosa, S Sudiono, RS Wibawani
Applied Surface Science 506, 144930, 2020
Effective humic acid removal using Zn/Al layered double hydroxide anionic clay
SJ Santosa, S Sudiono, Z Shiddiq
Journal of Ion Exchange 18 (4), 322-327, 2007
Peat Soil Humic Acid Immobilization on Silica Gel and Its Application as an Adsorbent for the Selective Adsorption of Copper
SJ Santosa, S Sudiono, S Sujandi
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 4, 602-608, 2006
Synthesis of Nickel-loaded sulfated zirconia catalyst and its application for converting used palm cooking oil to gasoline via hydrocracking process
ITA Aziz, WD Saputri, W Trisunaryanti, S Sudiono, A Syoufian, A Budiman, ...
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 66 (1), 101-113, 2022
Synthesis of Iron-Doped Zirconium Titanate as a Potential Visible-Light Responsive Photocatalyst
R Kurniawan, S Sudiono, W Trisunaryanti, A Syoufian
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19 (2), 454-460, 2019
Study of Thermal and Acid Stability of Bentonite Clay
K Wijaya, AS Pratiwi, S Sudiono, E Nurahmi
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 2 (1), 22-29, 2010
Indonesian Peat Soil Derived Humic Acid: Its Characterization, Immobilization, and Performance as Metal Sorbent
SJ Santosa, S Tanaka, D Siswanta, ES Kunarti, S Sudiono, ...
Proceeding of International Conference on Chemical Sciences (ICCS-2007), 1-6, 2007
Deteksi molekuler dan uji kisaran inang virus gemini asal tanaman tomat
HSH Sudiono, R Suseno, S Sosromarsono
Prosiding Kongres dan Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia XVI, 2001
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