Renaud Gabet
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Cited by
Disorder-induced coherent scattering in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides
M Patterson, S Hughes, S Combrié, NVQ Tran, A De Rossi, R Gabet, ...
Physical review letters 102 (25), 253903, 2009
Dynamic optical fiber sensing with Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry: Application to pipeline vibration monitoring
D Maraval, R Gabet, Y Jaouen, V Lamour
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (16), 3296-3302, 2017
Time-wavelength reflectance maps of photonic crystal waveguides: a new view on disorder-induced scattering
A Parini, P Hamel, A De Rossi, S Combrié, Y Gottesman, R Gabet, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 26 (23), 3794-3802, 2009
Optical low-coherence reflectometry for complete chromatic dispersion characterization of few-mode fibers
P Hamel, Y Jaouën, R Gabet, S Ramachandran
Optics letters 32 (9), 1029-1031, 2007
Phase and spectral properties of optically injected semiconductor lasers
S Blin, C Guignard, P Besnard, R Gabet, GM Stéphan, M Bondiou
Comptes Rendus Physique 4 (6), 687-699, 2003
Two-dimensional FEM analysis of Brillouin gain spectra in acoustic guiding and antiguiding single mode optical fibers
YS Mamdem, X Phéron, F Taillade, Y Jaouën, R Gabet, V Lanticq, ...
Comsol conference, 2010
Linewidth of an optically injected semiconductor laser
M Bondiou, R Gabet, GM Stéphan, P Besnard
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 2 (1), 41, 2000
Multichannel acousto-optic cells for fast optical crossconnect
G Aubin, J Sapriel, VY Molchanov, R Gabet, P Grosso, S Gosselin, ...
ELECTRONICS LETTERS-IEE 40 (7), 448-448, 2004
Self-referenced and single-ended method to measure Brillouin gain in monomode optical fibers
V Lanticq, S Jiang, R Gabet, Y Jaouën, F Taillade, G Moreau, GP Agrawal
Optics letters 34 (7), 1018-1020, 2009
Investigation of group delay, loss, and disorder in a photonic crystal waveguide by low-coherence reflectometry
S Combrié, NVQ Tran, E Weidner, A De Rossi, S Cassette, P Hamel, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (23), 2007
Linewidth narrowing of a DFB semiconductor laser at 1.55 μm by optical injection of an Er: ZBLAN microspherical laser
F Lissillour, R Gabet, P Féron, P Besnard, G Stéphan
Europhysics Letters 55 (4), 499, 2001
Complete dispersion characterization of few mode fibers by OLCI technique
R Gabet, E Le Cren, C Jin, M Gadonna, B Ung, P Sillard, HG Nguyen, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (6), 1155-1160, 2015
Versatile characterization of specialty fibers using the phase-sensitive optical low-coherence reflectometry technique
R Gabet, P Hamel, Y Jaouën, AF Obaton, V Lanticq, G Debarge
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (15), 3021-3033, 2009
Importance of residual stresses in the Brillouin gain spectrum of single mode optical fibers
YS Mamdem, E Burov, LA de Montmorillon, Y Jaouën, G Moreau, R Gabet, ...
Optics express 20 (2), 1790-1797, 2012
All-optical packet-switching decoder design and demonstration at 10 Gb/s
H Teimoori, JD Topomondzo, C Ware, R Gabet, D Erasme
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (10), 738-740, 2007
Distributed optical fibre sensors for Structural Health Monitoring: Upcoming challenges
V Lanticq, F Taillade, R Gabet, S Delepine-Lesoille
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2009
Enhanced 10-Gb/s NRZ transmission distance using dual modulation of an integrated electro-absoprtion modulated laser transmitter
J Petit, D Erasme, C Kazmierski, C Jany, J Decobert, F Alexandre, ...
2009 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, 1-3, 2009
Ultrahigh sensitivity detector for coherent light: the laser
R Gabet, GM Stéphan, M Bondiou, P Besnard, D Kilper
Optics communications 185 (1-3), 109-114, 2000
Amplification process in a laser injected by a narrow band weak signal
S Blin, GM Stéphan, R Gabet, P Besnard, D Kilper
Europhysics Letters 52 (1), 60, 2000
B-OTDR solution for independent temperature and strain measurement in a single acquisition
P Clément, R Gabet, V Lanticq, Y Jaouën
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (18), 6013-6020, 2021
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Articles 1–20