Sanjeev A. Sahu
Sanjeev A. Sahu
Department of Applied Mathematics, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
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Cited by
Surface wave propagation in functionally graded piezoelectric material: an analytical solution
SA Sahu, A Singhal, S Chaudhary
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (3), 423-437, 2018
Liouville-Green approximation: An analytical approach to study the elastic waves vibrations in composite structure of piezo material
A Singhal, SA Sahu, S Chaudhary
Composite Structures 184, 714-727, 2018
Approximation of surface wave frequency in piezo-composite structure
A Singhal, SA Sahu, S Chaudhary
Composites Part B: Engineering 144, 19-28, 2018
Analytic model for Rayleigh wave propagation in piezoelectric layer overlaid orthotropic substratum
S Chaudhary, SA Sahu, A Singhal
Acta Mechanica 228, 495-529, 2017
Analysis of different boundary types on wave velocity in bedded piezo-structure with flexoelectric effect
S Nirwal, SA Sahu, A Singhal, J Baroi
Composites Part B: Engineering 167, 434-447, 2019
On secular equation of SH waves propagating in pre-stressed and rotating piezo-composite structure with imperfect interface
S Chaudhary, SA Sahu, A Singhal
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (10), 2223-2235, 2018
Love-type waves in functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) sandwiched between initially stressed layer and elastic substrate
PK Saroj, SA Sahu, S Chaudhary, A Chattopadhyay
Waves in Random and Complex Media 25 (4), 608-627, 2015
Dispersion of horizontally polarized shear waves in an irregular non-homogeneous self-reinforced crustal layer over a semi-infinite self-reinforced medium
A Chattopadhyay, S Gupta, SA Sahu, AK Singh
Journal of Vibration and Control 19 (1), 109-119, 2013
SH-waves in viscoelastic heterogeneous layer over half-space with self-weight
SA Sahu, PK Saroj, N Dewangan
Archive of Applied Mechanics 84, 235-245, 2014
Polarized shear waves in functionally graded piezoelectric material layer sandwiched between corrugated piezomagnetic layer and elastic substrate
SA Sahu, S Mondal, N Dewangan
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 21 (8), 2921-2948, 2019
Reflection in a highly anisotropic medium for three-dimensional plane waves under initial stresses
M Chatterjee, S Dhua, SA Sahu, A Chattopadhyay
International Journal of Engineering Science 85, 136-149, 2014
Torsional surface waves in heterogeneous anisotropic half-space under initial stress
A Chattopadhyay, S Gupta, SA Sahu, S Dhua
Archive of Applied Mechanics 83, 357-366, 2013
Stresses produced due to moving load in a prestressed piezoelectric substrate
S Chaudhary, SA Sahu, N Dewangan, A Singhal
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26 (12), 1028-1041, 2019
Dispersion equation of magnetoelastic shear waves in irregular monoclinic layer
A Chattopadhyay, S Gupta, SA Sahu, AK Singh
Applied mathematics and mechanics 32 (5), 571-586, 2011
Propagation of shear waves in an irregular magnetoelastic monoclinic layer sandwiched between two isotropic half-spaces
A Chattopadhyay, S Gupta, AK Singh, SA Sahu
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 1 (1), 228-244, 2009
Initial and couple stress influence on the surface waves transmission in material layers with imperfect interface
A Singhal, SA Sahu, S Chaudhary, J Baroi
Materials Research Express 6 (10), 105713, 2019
Shear waves in a heterogeneous fiber-reinforced layer over a half-space under gravity
SA Sahu, PK Saroj, B Paswan
International Journal of Geomechanics 15 (2), 04014048, 2015
Ionospheric anomalies detection using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model as an earthquake precursor
M Saqib, E Şentürk, SA Sahu, MA Adil
Acta Geophysica 69 (4), 1493-1507, 2021
Approximation of surface wave velocity in smart composite structure using Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin method
MK Singh, SA Sahu, A Singhal, S Chaudhary
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (18), 3582-3597, 2018
Reflection and refraction for three-dimensional plane waves at the interface between distinct anisotropic half-spaces under initial stresses
M Chatterjee, S Dhua, A Chattopadhyay, SA Sahu
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (4), 04015099, 2016
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Articles 1–20