Dr.Gagan Deep Jindal
Dr.Gagan Deep Jindal
Chandigarh Engineering College (CEC), Landran, Mohali, Punjab.
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Cited by
Identifying Lung Cancer Using Image Processing Techniques
D Sharma, D Jindal
International Conference on Computational Techniques and Artificial …, 2011
Computer Aided Diagnosis System For Detection of Lung Cancer In CT Scan Images
D Sharma, G Jindal
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 3 (5), pp. 548-551, 2011
Directional Local Ternary Quantized Extrema Pattern: A New Descriptor for Biomedical Image Indexing and Retrieval
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH) 19 (4 …, 2016
Content Based Medical Image Retrieval: Theory, Gaps and Future Directions
P Aggarwal, H Sardana, K., G Jindal
International Journal of Graphics, Vision and Image Processing 9 (2), pp.27-37, 2009
Medical Image Segmentation using Marker Controlled Watershed Transformation
M Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2 (4), pp.548-551, 2011
Local mesh ternary patterns: A new descriptor for MRI and CT biomedical image indexing and retrieval
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2016
Biomedical image indexing and retrieval descriptors: A comparative study
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
ELSEVIER- Procedia Computer Science Journal (Available online at …, 2016
Local Quantized Extrema Quinary Pattern: A New Descriptor for Biomedical Image Indexing and Retrieval
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging …, 2016
Texture based image segmentation using gabor filters
A Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology [IJESAT …, 2014
A Novel Threshold Technique for Eliminating Speckle Noise In Ultrasound Images
H Dhillon, G Jindal
International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control 10, pp. 128-136, 2011
Overview of Tumor Detection using Genetic Algorithm
A Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Innovations in engineering and technology 2 (2), pp …, 2013
Watershed Segmentation of Lung CT Scan Images For Early Diagnosis of Cancer
S Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 3 (6), 2011
Tumor detection using genetic algorithm
A Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Computer Science And Technology 4 (1), 423-427, 2013
MeQryEP: A Texture Based Descriptor for Biomedical Image Retrieval
G Deep, J Kaur, S Singh, S Nayak, Ranjan, manoj Kumar, S Kautish
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2022 (2022), 1-20, 2022
Lung Nodule Segmentation in CT Images using Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
ACEEE International Journal of Signal & Image Processing 4 (1), pp.20-23, 2013
Review of Different Steganographic techniques on Medical images regarding their efficiency
P Kamal, G Jindal
International Journal of Innovations in engineering and technology 2 (2), pp …, 2013
A survey of K means Clustering with modified gradient magnitude region growing technique for lesion segmentation
N Kaur, G Jindal
International Journal of Innovations in engineering and technology 2 (2), pp …, 2013
A Segmented Morphological Approach to Detect Tumor in Lung Images
P Bhayan, G Jindal
International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2 (3), pp. 499-502, 2011
Biomedical Image Retrieval using Microscopic Configuration with local structural information
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science, 2017
Lung Nodule Retrieval by Integrating Local Binary Pattern with Template Matching
G Deep, L Kaur, S Gupta
American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey 4 (2), pp.33-47, 2016
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Articles 1–20