Alexandros Stampolidis
Alexandros Stampolidis
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Curie point depths of Albania inferred from ground total field magnetic data
A Stampolidis, I Kane, GN Tsokas, P Tsourlos
Surveys in Geophysics 26, 461-480, 2005
Curie point depths of Macedonia and Thrace, N. Greece
A Stampolidis, GN Tsokas
Pure and Applied Geophysics 159, 2659-2671, 2002
Detection of leaks in buried plastic water distribution pipes in urban places-a case study
A Stampolidis, P Soupios, F Vallianatos, GN Tsokas
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop onAdvanced Ground Penetrating …, 2003
Deep structure investigations of the geothermal field of the North Euboean Gulf, Greece, using 3-D local earthquake tomography and Curie Point Depth analysis
VK Karastathis, J Papoulia, B Di Fiore, J Makris, A Tsambas, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 206 (3-4), 106-120, 2011
Tracing a major Roman road in the area of ancient Helike by resistivity tomography
GN Tsokas, PI Tsourlos, A Stampolidis, D Katsonopoulou, S Soter
Archaeological Prospection 16 (4), 251-266, 2009
Use of edge delineating methods in interpreting magnetic archaeological prospection data
A Stampolidis, GN Tsokas
Archaeological Prospection 19 (2), 123-140, 2012
New high-resolution aeromagnetic and radiometric surveys in Finnmark and North Troms: linking anomaly patterns to bedrock geology and structure
A Nasuti, D Roberts, MA Dumais, F Ofstad, E Hyvönen, A Stampolidis, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology 95 (3-4), 217-243, 2015
Integrated geophysical investigation around the brackish spring of Rina, Kalimnos Isl., SW Greece
A Stampolidis, P Tsourlos, P Soupios, TH Mimides, G Tsokas, ...
Jour. Balk Geophys. Soc 8 (3), 63-73, 2005
Geophysical exploration in the church of Protaton at Karyes of Mount Athos (Holy Mountain) in northern Greece
GN Tsokas, A Stampolidis, I Mertzanidis, P Tsourlos, R Hamza, ...
Archaeological prospection 14 (2), 75-86, 2007
Geophysical survey as an aid to excavation at Mitrou: A preliminary report
GN Tsokas, A Van de Moortel, PI Tsourlos, A Stampolidis, G Vargemezis, ...
hesperia 81 (3), 383-432, 2012
Gravity data inversion for Moho depth modeling in the Hellenic area
VN Grigoriadis, IN Tziavos, GN Tsokas, A Stampolidis
Pure and Applied Geophysics 173, 1223-1241, 2016
Analysis of potential field anomalies in Lavrion mining area, Greece
GN Tsokas, A Stampolidis, AD Angelopoulos, S Kilias
Geophysics 63 (6), 1965-1970, 1998
Floodplain evolution and its influence on liquefaction clustering: The case study of March 2021 Thessaly, Greece, seismic sequence
G Papathanassiou, S Valkaniotis, A Ganas, A Stampolidis, D Rapti, ...
Engineering Geology 298, 106542, 2022
Investigating behind the lining of the Tunnel of Eupalinus in Samos (Greece) using ERT and GPR
GN Tsokas, K Jung‐Ho, PI Tsourlos, G Angistalis, G Vargemezis, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 13 (6), 571-583, 2015
Geophysical prospection at the Hamza Bey (Alkazar) monument Thessaloniki, Greece
GN Tsokas, N Diamanti, PI Tsourlos, G Vargemezis, A Stampolidis, ...
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 13 (1), 9-20, 2013
Helicopter-borne magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric geophysical survey in the western part of Austvågøya, Lofoten archipelago, Nordland
A Rodionov, G Tassis, F Ofstad
A focusing approach to ground water detection by means of electrical and EM methods: the case of Paliouri, Northern Greece
G Vargemezis, P Tsourlos, A Stampolidis, I Fikos, D Ballas, ...
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 56, 1063-1078, 2012
Gravity survey on the oil-bearing dammam dome (Eastern Saudi Arabia) and its implications
K Chavanidis, A Stampolidis, P Kirmizakis, M Tranos, M Fedi, R Pasteka, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (3), 735, 2022
Airborne radiometric survey of a Chernobyl-contaminated mountain area in Norway–using ground-level measurements for validation
H Thørring, VC Baranwal, MA Ytre-Eide, JS Rønning, A Mauring, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 208, 106004, 2019
Comprehensive Geophysical Study at Wabar Crater, Rub Al‐Khali Desert, Saudi Arabia
SM Hanafy, P Soupios, A Stampolidis, CB Koch, K Al‐Ramadan, ...
Earth and Space Science 8 (9), e2020EA001432, 2021
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