Alon Zweig
Alon Zweig
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Cited by
Exploiting object hierarchy: Combining models from different category levels
A Zweig, D Weinshall
2007 IEEE 11th international conference on computer vision, 1-8, 2007
Hierarchical regularization cascade for joint learning
A Zweig, D Weinshall
International conference on machine learning, 37-45, 2013
Beyond novelty detection: Incongruent events, when general and specific classifiers disagree
D Weinshall, A Zweig, H Hermansky, S Kombrink, FW Ohl, J Anemüller, ...
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (10), 1886 …, 2012
Beyond novelty detection: Incongruent events, when general and specific classifiers disagree
D Weinshall, H Hermansky, A Zweig, J Luo, H Jimison, F Ohl, M Pavel
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2008
Group online adaptive learning
A Zweig, G Chechik
Machine Learning 106 (9), 1747-1770, 2017
Biologically Motivated Audio-Visual Cue Integration for Object
J Anemueller, JH Back, B Caputo, J Luo, F Ohl, F Orabona, R Vogels, ...
Proceedings of the first Internatinal Conference on Cognitive Systems, 2008
Object category detection using audio-visual cues
J Luo, B Caputo, A Zweig, JH Bach, J Anemüller
Computer Vision Systems: 6th International Conference, ICVS 2008 Santorini …, 2008
The DIRAC AWEAR audio-visual platform for detection of unexpected and incongruent events
J Anemüller, JH Bach, B Caputo, M Havlena, L Jie, H Kayser, B Leibe, ...
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2008
Detection and identification of rare incongruent events in cognitive and engineering systems
M Pavel, H Jimison, D Weinshall, A Zweig, F Ohl, H Hermansky
Dirac white paper, OHSU, 2008
Object category detection using audio-visual cues
L Jie, B Caputo, A Zweig, JH Bach, J Anemuller
Proc. Internat. Conf. on Computer Vision System, Santorini, Greece, 2008
Identification of novel classes in object class recognition
A Zweig, D Eshar, D Weinshall
Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues, 47-55, 2012
Hierarchical multi-task learning: a cascade approach based on the notion of task relatedness
A Zweig, D Weinshall
Theoretically Grounded Transfer Learning workshop, held at International …, 2013
Hierarchical Modeling and Applications to Recognition Tasks
A Zweig
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014
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Articles 1–13