Hussein Abdelhafez Mohamed
Hussein Abdelhafez Mohamed
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Dependence of efficiency of thin-film CdS/CdTe solar cell on optical and recombination losses
HA Mohamed
Journal of applied Physics 113 (9), 2013
Enhancement of the optical and electrical properties of ITO thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation technique
HM Ali, HA Mohamed, SH Mohamed
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 31 (2), 87-93, 2005
Optimization of the optical and electrical properties of electron beam evaporated aluminum-doped zinc oxide films for opto-electronic applications
HM Ali, MM Abd El-Raheem, NM Megahed, HA Mohamed
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (8), 1823-1829, 2006
Characteristics and optical properties of MgO nanowires synthesized by solvothermal method
NMA Hadia, HAH Mohamed
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 29, 238-244, 2015
Properties of transparent conducting oxides formed from CdO alloyed with In2O3
HM Ali, HA Mohamed, MM Wakkad, MF Hasaneen
Thin Solid Films 515 (5), 3024-3029, 2007
Theoretical study of the efficiency of CdS/PbS thin film solar cells
HA Mohamed
Solar Energy 108, 360-369, 2014
Enhanced onion resistance against stemphylium leaf blight disease, caused by Stemphylium vesicarium, by di-potassium phosphate and benzothiadiazole treatments
AEAM Kamal, H Mohamed, AAD Aly, HAH Mohamed
The Plant Pathology Journal 24 (2), 171-177, 2008
Optical and electrical properties of tin-doped cadmium oxide films prepared by electron beam technique
HM Ali, HA Mohamed, MM Wakkad, MF Hasaneen
Japanese journal of applied physics 48 (4R), 041101, 2009
Thermal stabilization of tin-and cobalt-doped manganese dioxide
AMA Hashem, HA Mohamed, A Bahloul, AE Eid, CM Julien
Ionics 14, 7-14, 2008
The effect of annealing and ZnO dopant on the optoelectronic properties of ITO thin films
HA Mohamed
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (14), 4234, 2007
Synthesis, structure and optical properties of single-crystalline In2O3 nanowires
NMA Hadia, HA Mohamed
Journal of alloys and compounds 547, 63-67, 2013
Optimized conditions for the improvement of thin film CdS/CdTe solar cells
HA Mohamed
Thin Solid Films 589, 72-78, 2015
Transparent conducting ZnO-CdO thin films deposited by e-beam evaporation technique
HA Mohamed, HM Ali, SH Mohamed, MM Abd El-Raheem
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 34 (1), 7-12, 2006
Effect of annealing and In content on the properties of electron beam evaporated ZnO films
SH Mohamed, HM Ali, HA Mohamed, AM Salem
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 31 (2), 95-99, 2005
Characterization of ITO/CdO/glass thin films evaporated by electron beam technique
HAH Mohamed, HM Ali
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2008
Development of structural and optical properties of WOx films upon increasing oxygen partial pressure during reactive sputtering
SH Mohamed, HA Mohamed, HA Abd El Ghani
Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (4), 831-835, 2011
Ecological and epidemiological findings associated with zoonotic rabies outbreaks and control in Moshi, Tanzania, 2017–2018
N Mtui-Malamsha, R Sallu, GR Mahiti, H Mohamed, M OleNeselle, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (16), 2816, 2019
Lessons learned from the national sanitation campaign in Njombe district, Tanzania
J Safari, H Mohamed, P Dimoso, W Akyoo, F Odhiambo, R Mpete, ...
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 9 (4), 754-764, 2019
Rabies outbreak among livestock in a pastoralist community, Southern Ethiopia
B Gumi, S Girma, H Mohamed, A Deresa
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 28 (6), 2018
Influence of the optical and recombination losses on the efficiency of CdS/CdTe solar cell at ultrathin absorber layer
HA Mohamed
Canadian Journal of Physics 92 (11), 1350-1355, 2014
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Articles 1–20