Hong Li
Hong Li
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Ammonia emissions from US laying hen houses in Iowa and Pennsylvania
Y Liang, H Xin, EF Wheeler, RS Gates, H Li, JS Zajaczkowski, PA Topper, ...
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (5), 1927-1941, 2005
Environmental assessment of three egg production systems–Part I: Monitoring system and indoor air quality
Y Zhao, TA Shepherd, H Li, H Xin
Poultry Science 94 (3), 518-533, 2015
Environmental assessment of three egg production systems—Part II. Ammonia, greenhouse gas, and particulate matter emissions
TA Shepherd, Y Zhao, H Li, JP Stinn, MD Hayes, H Xin
Poultry science 94 (3), 534-543, 2015
Field sampling method for quantifying volatile sulfur compounds from animal feeding operations
S Trabue, K Scoggin, F Mitloehner, H Li, R Burns, H Xin
Atmospheric Environment 42 (14), 3332-3341, 2008
Climate change effects on livestock in the Northeast US and strategies for adaptation
AN Hristov, AT Degaetano, CA Rotz, E Hoberg, RH Skinner, T Felix, H Li, ...
Climatic Change 146, 33-45, 2018
Reduction of ammonia emissions from stored laying hen manure through topical application of zeolite, Al+ Clear, Ferix-3, or poultry litter treatment
H Li, H Xin, Y Liang, RT Burns
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17 (4), 421-431, 2008
Speciation of volatile organic compounds from poultry production
S Trabue, K Scoggin, H Li, R Burns, H Xin, J Hatfield
Atmospheric environment 44 (29), 3538-3546, 2010
Use of CO2 Concentration Difference or CO2 Balance to Assess Ventilation Rate of Broiler Houses
H Xin, H Li, RT Burns, RS Gates, DG Overhults, JW Earnest
Transactions of the ASABE 52 (4), 1353, 2009
Field sampling method for quantifying odorants in humid environments
SL Trabue, KD Scoggin, H Li, R Burns, H Xin
Environmental science & technology 42 (10), 3745-3750, 2008
Comparison of direct vs. indirect ventilation rate determinations in layer barns using manure belts
H Li, H Xin, Y Liang, RS Gates, EF Wheeler, AJ Heber
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (1), 367-372, 2005
Ammonia emissions from US poultry houses: Part I–Measurement system and techniques
H Xin, Y Liang, A Tanaka, RS Gates, EF Wheeler, KD Casey, AJ Heber, ...
Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations-III, 106, 2003
Effects of two different broiler flooring systems on production performances, welfare, and environment under commercial production conditions
H Li, X Wen, R Alphin, Z Zhu, Z Zhou
Poultry science 96 (5), 1108-1119, 2017
Heat and moisture production of modern swine
T Brown-Brandl, M Hayes, H Xin, J Nienaber, H Li, R Eigenberg, J Stinn, ...
Ammonia, greenhouse gas, and particulate matter emissions of aviary layer houses in the Midwestern US
M Hayes, H Xin, H Li, T Shepherd, Y Zhao, J Stinn
Transactions of the ASABE 56 (5), 1921-1932, 2013
Lab-scale assessment of gaseous emissions from laying-hen manure storage as affected by physical and environmental factors
H Li, H Xin
Transactions of the ASABE 53 (2), 593-604, 2010
Reducing ammonia emissions from laying-hen houses through dietary manipulation
H Li, H Xin, RT Burns, SA Roberts, S Li, J Kliebenstein, K Bregendahl
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 62 (2), 160-169, 2012
Thermal environment, ammonia concentrations, and ammonia emissions of aviary houses with white laying hens
Y Zhao, H Xin, T Shepherd, M Hayes, J Stinn, H Li
Transactions of the ASABE 56 (3), 1145-1156, 2013
Reduction of ammonia emission from stored poultry manure using additives: Zeolite, Al+ Clear, Ferix-3 and PLT
H Li, H Xin, RT Burns
2006 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2006
Assessment of frequent litter amendment application on ammonia emission from broilers operations
H Li, C Lin, S Collier, W Brown, S White-Hansen
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 63 (4), 442-452, 2013
Particulate matter concentrations and emissions of a high-rise layer house in Iowa
S Li, H Li, H Xin, RT Burns
Transactions of the ASABE 54 (3), 1093-1101, 2011
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Articles 1–20