Choong Sun Kim (C. S. Kim; 김충선)
Choong Sun Kim (C. S. Kim; 김충선)
Other namesC. S. Kim
Professor of Physics, Yonsei University
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Cited by
A facility to Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case
S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka, B Batell, F Bezrukov, K Bondarenko, ...
Reports on progress in physics 79 (12), 124201, 2016
Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project
JA Aguilar-Saavedra, A Ali, BC Allanach, R Arnowitt, HA Baer, JA Bagger, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 46, 43-60, 2006
A Novel approach to confront electroweak data and theory
K Hagiwara, D Haidt, CS Kim, S Matsumoto
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 64 (4), 559-620, 1994
Weak-boson production at Fermilab Tevatron energies
EL Berger, F Halzen, CS Kim, S Willenbrock
Physical Review D 40 (1), 83, 1989
Particle physics experiments at JLC
ACFA Linear Collider Working Group
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0109166, 2001
The international large detector: Letter of intent
T Abe, S Schuwalow, M Yamauchi, J Schaffran, H Ikeda, W Qian, ...
The CKM matrix and the unitarity triangle
M Battaglia, AJ Buras, P Gambino, A Stocchi, D Abbaneo, A Ali, P Amaral, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0304132, 2003
Systematic analysis of the lepton polarization asymmetries in the rare B decay
S Fukae, CS Kim, T Yoshikawa
Physical Review D 61 (7), 074015, 2000
Azimuthal angle distribution in B→ K*(→ K π) l+ l− in the low invariant m l+ l− region
CS Kim, YG Kim, CD Lü, T Morozumi
Physical Review D 62 (3), 034013, 2000
Charged Higgs production at hadron colliders
AC Bawa, CS Kim, AD Martin
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 47, 75-81, 1990
Prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes: perturbative QCD models and nuclear effects
A Bhattacharya, R Enberg, YS Jeong, CS Kim, MH Reno, I Sarcevic, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (11), 1-53, 2016
Hadronic invariant mass discriminates b→ u contributions in semileptonic B decays
V Barger, CS Kim, RJN Phillips
Physics Letters B 251 (4), 629-633, 1990
On the determination of Vub and Vcb from semileptonic B decays
CS Kim, AD Martin
Physics Letters B 225 (1-2), 186-190, 1989
Systematic analysis of the exclusive decay
TM Aliev, CS Kim, YG Kim
Physical Review D 62 (1), 014026, 2000
Probing leptogenesis
EJ Chun, G Cvetič, PSB Dev, M Drewes, CS Fong, B Garbrecht, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 (05n06), 1842005, 2018
Decay constants of heavy meson of 0− state in relativistic Salpeter method
G Cvetič, CS Kim, GL Wang, W Namgung
Physics Letters B 596 (1-2), 84-89, 2004
Higgs-mediated flavor-changing neutral currents in the general framework with two Higgs doublets: An RGE analysis
G Cvetič, SS Hwang, CS Kim
Physical Review D 58 (11), 116003, 1998
Impact of new and measurements on weak mixing angles
CS Kim, JL Rosner, CP Yuan
Physical Review D 42 (1), 96, 1990
Probing Majorana neutrinos in rare and , , , meson decays
G Cvetic, C Dib, SK Kang, CS Kim
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (5), 053010, 2010
Measurement of the lifetime difference of Bd mesons: possible and worthwhile?
AS Dighe, T Hurth, CS Kim, T Yoshikawa
Nuclear Physics B 624 (1-2), 377-404, 2002
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Articles 1–20