Articles with public access mandates - Meinard MüllerLearn more
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Unsupervised music structure annotation by time series structure features and segment similarity
J Serra, M Müller, P Grosche, JL Arcos
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16 (5), 1229-1240, 2014
Mandates: German Research Foundation
A robust fitness measure for capturing repetitions in music recordings with applications to audio thumbnailing
M Muller, N Jiang, P Grosche
IEEE Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 21 (3), 531-543, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Local key estimation in music recordings: A case study across songs, versions, and annotators
C Weiß, H Schreiber, M Müller
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 28, 2919-2932, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Reverse engineering the amen break—score-informed separation and restoration applied to drum recordings
C Dittmar, M Müller
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 24 (9), 1535 …, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Finding drum breaks in digital music recordings
P López-Serrano, C Dittmar, M Müller
Music Technology with Swing: 13th International Symposium, CMMR 2017 …, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Cross-version singing voice detection in opera recordings: Challenges for supervised learning
SI Mimilakis, C Weiß, V Arifi-Müller, J Abeßer, M Müller
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International …, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Mid-level chord transition features for musical style analysis
C Weiß, F Brand, M Müller
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Unifying local and global methods for harmonic-percussive source separation
C Dittmar, P López-Serrano, M Müller
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Content-based methods for knowledge discovery in music
JP Bello, P Grosche, M Müller, R Weiss
Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology, 823-840, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Mid-level audio features based on cascaded harmonic-residual-percussive separation
P López-Serrano, C Dittmar, M Müller
Audio engineering society conference: 2017 AES international conference on …, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Hierarchical classification of singing activity, gender, and type in complex music recordings
M Krause, M Müller
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Evaluating salience representations for cross-modal retrieval of Western classical music recordings
F Zalkow, S Balke, M Müller
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
A Multi-objective Evolutionary Approach to Identify Relevant Audio Features for Music Segmentation
I Vatolkin, M Koch, M Müller
International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art …, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Model-Based Deep Learning for Music Information Research: Leveraging diverse knowledge sources to enhance explainability, controllability, and resource efficiency [Special …
G Richard, V Lostanlen, YH Yang, M Müller
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 41 (6), 51-59, 2025
Mandates: European Commission
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A data-driven approach for real-time full body pose reconstruction from a depth camera
A Baak, M Müller, G Bharaj, HP Seidel, C Theobalt
Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision: Research Topics and Applications …, 2013
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Motion reconstruction using sparse accelerometer data
J Tautges, A Zinke, B Krüger, J Baumann, A Weber, T Helten, M Müller, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 30 (3), 1-12, 2011
Mandates: German Research Foundation
High resolution audio synchronization using chroma onset features
S Ewert, M Muller, P Grosche
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Towards timbre-invariant audio features for harmony-based music
M Muller, S Ewert
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 18 (3), 649-662, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Multisensor-fusion for 3d full-body human motion capture
G Pons-Moll, A Baak, T Helten, M Müller, HP Seidel, B Rosenhahn
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Extending Harmonic-Percussive Separation of Audio Signals.
J Driedger, M Müller, S Disch
ISMIR, 611-616, 2014
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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