Mohammad-Reza NAMAZI-RAD
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Cited by
Is neural topic modelling better than clustering? An empirical study on clustering with contextual embeddings for topics
Z Zhang, M Fang, L Chen, MR Namazi-Rad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.09874, 2022
Generating a dynamic synthetic population - Using an age-structured two-sex model for household dynamics
MR Namazi-Rad, P Mokhtarian, P Perez
PLoS ONE 9 (4), e94761-1-e94761-16, 2014
How do large language models capture the ever-changing world knowledge? a review of recent advances
Z Zhang, M Fang, L Chen, MR Namazi-Rad, J Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.07343, 2023
Generating a Synthetic Population in Support of Agent-Based Modeling of Transportation in Sydney
N Huynh, M Namazi-Rad, P Perez, MJ Berryman, Q Chen, J Barthelemy
MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 1357-1363, 2013
Citb: A benchmark for continual instruction tuning
Z Zhang, M Fang, L Chen, MR Namazi-Rad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14510, 2023
A Semi-Empirical Determination of Perceived Liveability
MR Namazi-Rad, P Perez, M Berryman, R Wickramasuriya
Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique: BMS 129, 5-24, 2016
Alternative Planning and Land Administration for Future Smart Cities
S Sabri, A Rajabifard, S Ho, MR Namazi-Rad, C Pettit
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 34 (4), 33-35, 2015
Applying a Novel Combination of Techniques to Develop a Predictive Model for Diabetes Complications
M Sangi, KT Win, F Shirvani, MR Namazi-Rad, N Shukla
PLoS ONE 10 (4), e0121569, 2015
An unconstrained statistical matching algorithm for combining individual and household level geo-specific census and survey data
MR Namazi-Rad, R Tanton, D Steel, P Mokhtarian, S Das
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 63, 3–14, 2017
An experimental determination of perceived liveability in Sydney
MR Namazi-Rad, P Perez, M Berryman, F Lamy
ACSPRI Conferences, RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science …, 2012
What level of statistical model should we use in small area estimation?
MR Namazi‐Rad, D Steel
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 57 (2), 275-298, 2015
Bayesian nonparametric reliability analysis for a railway system at component level
P Mokhtarian, MR Namzi-Rad, TK Ho, T Suesse
2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation …, 2013
Scene-adaptive configuration of two cameras using the correspondence field function
F Safaei, P Mokhtarian, H Shidanshidi, W Li, M Namazi-Rad, ...
Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia …, 2013
Improving the quality of rail freight services by managing the time-based attributes: the case of non-bulk rail network in Australia
H Ghaderi, MR Namazi-Rad, S Cahoon, J Fei
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 5 (3), 203-220, 2015
A Heuristic Analytical Technique for Location-based Liveability Measurement
MR Namazi-Rad, F Lamy, P Perez, MJ Berryman
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ASEARC Conference, 2 - 3 February 2012, 2012
Synthetic Population Initialization and Evolution-Agent-Based Modelling of Population Aging and Household Transitions
MR Namazi-Rad, N Huynh, J Barthelemy, P Perez
PRIMA 2014: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems; Lecture Notes in …, 2014
mipfp: Multidimensional iterative proportional fitting and alternative models
J Barthelemy, T Suesse, M Namazi-Rad
R-package version 3 (1), 2018
Estimating cross-classified population counts of multidimensional tables: an application to regional Australia to obtain pseudo-census counts
TF Suesse, MR Namazi-Rad, P Mokhtarian, J Barthelemy
Journal of Official Statistics 33 (4), 1021, 2017
Is neural topic modelling better than clustering
Z Zhang, M Fang, L Chen, M Namazi Rad
An empirical study on clustering with contextual embeddings for topics, 2022
Hybrid method for building extraction in vegetation-rich urban areas from very high-resolution satellite imagery
AS Jayasekare, R Wickramasuriya, MR Namazi-Rad, P Perez, G Singh
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (3), 036017-036017, 2017
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Articles 1–20