Adryan Sasongko
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Cited by
Who gets the benefits of geopark establishment? A study of Batur Geopark Area, Bali Province, Indonesia
S Sagala, A Rosyidie, MA Sasongko, MM Syahbid
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012034, 2018
The current observation and challenges of tourism development in Batur Global Geopark area, Bali Province, Indonesia
A Rosyidie, S Sagala, MM Syahbid, MA Sasongko
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012033, 2018
The Potential for Analysing How Small-Scale Farmers Choose Burning as a Land Clearing Strategy in South Sumatra
TG Lovett, S Sagala, MA Sasongko
Non-Normative Genders and Sexualities (NNGS) Community: A Reality Check of Community’s Roles in Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in Indonesia
MA Sasongko, E Gracia, RV Sitanggang
Resilience Development Initiative, 2021
The Political Strategies to Dismantle the" Ghetto": Understanding the" Ghetto" in Denmark through the Nationalist and" Othering" Discursive Lenses
MA Sasongko
Lund University, Master's Thesis in Development Studies, 2020
A Reality Check of Transboundary Water Governance in the Greater Mekong Subregion
MA Sasongko
Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Working Paper, 2020
Preferences mapping of household biodigester in Bandung
S Humaira, E Rianawati, S Sagala, MA Sasongko
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012032, 2018
Best Practice of Local Tourism Management: Case
SA Sagala, A Rosyidie, MM Syahbid, MA Sasongko
Plans for world science information system
S Sagala, A Rosyidie, MA Sasongko
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Articles 1–9