Guang-Wu Chen
Guang-Wu Chen
Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chang Gung University
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Genomic signatures of human versus avian influenza A viruses
GW Chen, SC Chang, CK Mok, YL Lo, YN Kung, JH Huang, YH Shih, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 12 (9), 1353, 2006
Host factors in enterovirus 71 replication
SR Shih, V Stollar, ML Li
Journal of virology 85 (19), 9658-9666, 2011
SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance in Taiwan revealed novel ORF8-deletion mutant and clade possibly associated with infections in Middle East
YN Gong, KC Tsao, MJ Hsiao, CG Huang, PN Huang, PW Huang, KM Lee, ...
Emerging Microbes & Infections 9 (1), 1457-1466, 2020
Differential localization and function of PB1-F2 derived from different strains of influenza A virus
CJ Chen, GW Chen, CH Wang, CH Huang, YC Wang, SR Shih
Journal of virology 84 (19), 10051-10062, 2010
Combining multiplex reverse transcription-PCR and a diagnostic microarray to detect and differentiate enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16
TC Chen, GW Chen, CA Hsiung, JY Yang, SR Shih, YK Lai, JL Juang
Journal of clinical microbiology 44 (6), 2212-2219, 2006
Genomic signature and protein sequence analysis of a novel influenza A (H7N9) virus that causes an outbreak in humans in China
Q Liu, L Lu, Z Sun, GW Chen, Y Wen, S Jiang
Microbes and Infection 15 (6-7), 432-439, 2013
Genomic signatures of influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus
GW Chen, SR Shih
Emerging infectious diseases 15 (12), 1897, 2009
Mutation in enterovirus 71 capsid protein VP1 confers resistance to the inhibitory effects of pyridyl imidazolidinone
SR Shih, MC Tsai, SN Tseng, KF Won, KS Shia, WT Li, JH Chern, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 48 (9), 3523-3529, 2004
HLA-A33 is associated with susceptibility to enterovirus 71 infection
LY Chang, IS Chang, WJ Chen, YC Huang, GW Chen, SR Shih, JL Juang, ...
Pediatrics 122 (6), 1271-1276, 2008
Laboratory-based surveillance and molecular epidemiology of influenza virus in Taiwan
SR Shih, GW Chen, CC Yang, WZ Yang, DP Liu, JH Lin, SC Chiu, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 43 (4), 1651-1661, 2005
Mutations at KFRDI and VGK domains of enterovirus 71 3C protease affect its RNA binding and proteolytic activities
SR Shih, C Chiang, TC Chen, CN Wu, JTA Hsu, JC Lee, MJ Hwang, ML Li, ...
Journal of biomedical science 11 (2), 239-248, 2004
Genetic characterization of enterovirus 71 isolated from patients with severe disease by comparative analysis of complete genomes
SC Chang, WC Li, GW Chen, KC Tsao, CG Huang, YC Huang, CH Chiu, ...
Journal of medical virology 84 (6), 931-939, 2012
A cytoplasmic RNA virus generates functional viral small RNAs and regulates viral IRES activity in mammalian cells
KF Weng, CT Hung, PT Hsieh, ML Li, GW Chen, YA Kung, PN Huang, ...
Nucleic Acids Res. 42 (20), 12789-805, 2014
Clinical and genetic characterization of severe influenza B-associated diseases during an outbreak in Taiwan
WC Li, SR Shih, YC Huang, GW Chen, SC Chang, MJ Hsiao, KC Tsao, ...
Journal of Clinical Virology 42 (1), 45-51, 2008
Serotype-specific detection of enterovirus 71 in clinical specimens by DNA microchip array
SR Shih, YW Wang, GW Chen, LY Chang, TY Lin, MC Tseng, C Chiang, ...
Journal of virological methods 111 (1), 55-60, 2003
Antiviral drug discovery targeting to viral proteases
JTA Hsu, HC Wang, GW Chen, SR Shih
Current pharmaceutical design 12 (11), 1301-1314, 2006
Influenza A virus PB1-F2 gene in recent Taiwanese isolates
GW Chen, CC Yang, KC Tsao, CG Huang, LA Lee, WZ Yang, YL Huang, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 10 (4), 630, 2004
Role of N terminus-truncated NS1 proteins of influenza A virus in inhibiting IRF3 activation
RL Kuo, LH Li, SJ Lin, ZH Li, GW Chen, CK Chang, YR Wang, EH Tam, ...
Journal of virology 90 (9), 4696-4705, 2016
Multiple genotypes of influenza B viruses cocirculated in Taiwan in 2004 and 2005
GW Chen, SR Shih, MR Hsiao, SC Chang, SH Lin, CF Sun, KC Tsao
Journal of clinical microbiology 45 (5), 1515-1522, 2007
Influenza genome diversity and evolution
KN Tsai, GW Chen
Microbes and Infection 13 (5), 479-488, 2011
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Articles 1–20