christopher pennuto
christopher pennuto
Great Lakes Center & Biology Department, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY USA
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Twenty five years of changes in Dreissena spp. populations in Lake Erie
AY Karatayev, LE Burlakova, C Pennuto, J Ciborowski, VA Karatayev, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (3), 550-559, 2014
Fish and macroinvertebrate communities in tributary streams of eastern Lake Erie with and without round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus, Pallas 1814)
PJ Krakowiak, CM Pennuto
Journal of Great Lakes Research 34 (4), 675-689, 2008
Urban influences on Cladophora blooms in Lake Ontario
SN Higgins, CM Pennuto, ET Howell, TW Lewis, JC Makarewicz
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 116-123, 2012
Seasonal abundance, diet, and energy consumption of round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in Lake Erie tributary streams
CM Pennuto, PJ Krakowiak, CE Janik
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2), 206-215, 2010
Physical and chemical characteristics of the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario
JC Makarewicz, TW Lewis, CM Pennuto, JF Atkinson, WJ Edwards, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 21-31, 2012
Changes in Lake Erie benthos over the last 50 years: historical perspectives, current status, and main drivers
LE Burlakova, AY Karatayev, C Pennuto, C Mayer
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (3), 560-573, 2014
Mercury in the Northern Crayfish, Orconectes virilis (Hagen), in New England, USA
CM Pennuto, OP Lane, DC Evers, RJ Taylor, J Loukmas
Ecotoxicology 14, 149-162, 2005
Dreissena population status in nearshore Lake Ontario
CM Pennuto, ET Howell, TW Lewis, JC Makarewicz
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 161-170, 2012
Short-term predator avoidance behavior by invasive and native amphipods in the Great Lakes
C Pennuto, D Keppler
Aquatic Ecology 42, 629-641, 2008
Relationships among round gobies, Dreissena mussels, and benthic algae in the south nearshore of Lake Ontario
CM Pennuto, ET Howell, JC Makarewicz
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 154-160, 2012
Fish invasion alters ecosystem function in a small heterotrophic stream
CM Pennuto, KA Cudney, CE Janik
Biological invasions 20, 1033-1047, 2018
Assessment of phytoplankton distribution in the nearshore zone using continuous in situ fluorometry
MM Pavlac, TT Smith, SP Thomas, JC Makarewicz, WJ Edwards, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38, 78-84, 2012
Novel trophic interaction between lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and non-native species in an altered food web
EL Bruestle, C Karboski, A Hussey, AT Fisk, K Mehler, C Pennuto, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (1), 6-14, 2019
Dynamics of the seasonal migration of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus, Pallas 1814) and implications for the Lake Ontario food web
CM Pennuto, K Mehler, B Weidel, BF Lantry, E Bruestle
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 30 (2), 151-161, 2021
Upstream range expansion by invasive round gobies: Is functional morphology important?
CM Pennuto, SM Rupprecht
Aquatic Ecology 50, 45-57, 2016
From midges to spiders: Mercury biotransport in riparian zones near the Buffalo River Area of Concern (AOC), USA
CM Pennuto, M Smith
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 95, 701-706, 2015
Spatiotemporal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the benthos of nearshore Lake Erie
CM Pennuto, LE Burlakova, AY Karatayev, J Kramer, A Fischer, C Mayer
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (3), 541-549, 2014
Seasonal differences in predator-prey behavior in experimental streams
CM Pennuto
The American midland naturalist 150 (2), 254-267, 2003
Lake Erie nutrient loading and harmful algal blooms: research findings and management implications
JMC Reutter, J Jan Depinto
Incidence of chironomid phoretics on hellgrammites in streams of southern Maine
CM Pennuto
Northeastern Naturalist, 285-292, 1997
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Articles 1–20