sivadas madhavan
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Cited by
 Fishery, biology and stock assessment of carangid resources from the Indian seas
S Reuben, H Mohamad Kasim, S Sivakami, PN Nair, KN Kurup, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 39 (3&4), 195-234, 1992
Fishery and bionomics of the little tuna, Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) exploited from Indian waters
P Rohit, A Chellappan, EM Abdussamad, KK Joshi, KP Koya, M Sivadas, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (3), 37-46, 2012
Fishery, population dynamics and stock structure of frigate tuna Auxis thazard (Lacepede, 1800) exploited from Indian waters
S Ghosh, M Sivadas, EM Abdussamad, P Rohit, KP Koya, KK Joshi, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (2), 95-100, 2012
Fishery, biology and stock structure of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758) exploited from Indian waters
KP Koya, KK Joshi, EM Abdussamad, P Rohit, M Sivadas, S Kuriakose, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (2), 39-47, 2012
Stomach content analysis of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Calicut, Kerala
M Sivadas, MM Bhaskaran
Indian Journal of Fisheries 56 (2), 143-146, 2009
Fishery, biology and stock assessment of small tunas
P James, PP Pillai, NGK Pillai, AA Jayaprakash, G Gopakumar, HM Kasim, ...
Fishery survey of India, 1993
Enigmatic Indian oil sardine: An insight
P Rohit, M Sivadas, EM Abdussamad, A Margaret Muthu Rathinam, ...
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 2018
Assessment of mackerel stock along the Indian coast
A Noble, G Gopakumar, NG Pillai, GM Kulkarni, KN Kurup, S Reuben, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 39 (3&4), 119-124, 1992
Length weight relationship, relative condition, size at first maturity and sex ratio of Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta from Calicut
M Sivadas, PN Nair, KK Balasubramanian, MM Bhaskaran
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India 48 (2), 274-277, 2006
Relative vulnerability assessment of Indian marine fishes to climate change using impact and adaptation attributes
PU Zacharia, AP Dineshbabu, S Thomas, SJ Kizhakudan, ...
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 2016
Indian tuna fishery-production trend during yesteryears and scope for the future
EM Abdussamad, GS Rao, KP Koya, P Rohit, KK Joshi, M Sivadas, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (3), 1-13, 2012
Assessment of stock vulnerability of Indian marine fishes to past changes in climate and options for adaptation
AP Dineshbabu, PU Zacharia, T Sujitha, JK Shoba, KM Rajesh, ...
Climate Research 79 (3), 175-192, 2020
Status of exploitation of coastal tunas in the Indian seas
PP Pillai, NGK Pillai, C Muthiah, TM Yohannan, HM Kasim, G Gopakumar, ...
Management of Scombroid Fisheries, 56-61, 2002
Fishery, biology and dynamics of dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor (Rüppell, 1838) exploited from Indian seas
KK Joshi, EM Abdussamad, KP Koya, M Sivadas, S Kuriakose, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (2), 75-79, 2012
Assessment of the fishery and stock of striped bonito, Sarda orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844) along Kerala coast with a general description of its fishery from Indian coast
M Sivadas, EM Abdussamad, S Jasmine, P Rohit, KP Koya, S Ghosh, ...
Indian Journal of Fisheries 59 (2), 57-61, 2012
Status of tuna fishery in Minicoy, Lakshadweep
M Sivadas
Management of scombroid fisheries, 62-68, 2002
Bycatch in Indian trawl fisheries and some suggestions for trawl bycatch mitigation
AP Dineshbabu, S Thomas, J Josileen, PT Sarada, SL Pillai, ...
Current Science 123 (11), 1372-1380, 2022
Distribution and abundance of carangids along the EEZ India
S Sivakami, PN Nair, AA Jayaprakash, H Mohamad Kasim, TM Yohannan, ...
CMFRI Marine Fisheries Policy Series No. 11; Management Plans for the Marine Fisheries of Tamil Nadu
M Sivadas, PU Zacharia, PT Sarada, R Narayanakumar, SJ Kizhakudan, ...
Marine Fisheries Policy Series, 2019
Status and potential of neritic tunas exploited from Indian waters
EM Abdussamad, P Rohit, KP Said Koya, M Sivadas
IOTC–2012–WPNT02–10 Rev_1, 2012
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Articles 1–20