Luke Mondy
Luke Mondy
The University of Sydney
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Cited by
The origin of contractional structures in extensional gneiss domes
PF Rey, L Mondy, G Duclaux, C Teyssier, DL Whitney, M Bocher, ...
Geology 45 (3), 263-266, 2017
The role of asthenospheric flow during rift propagation and breakup
LS Mondy, PF Rey, G Duclaux, L Moresi
Geology 46 (2), 103-106, 2018
UWGeodynamics: A teaching and research tool for numerical geodynamic modelling
R Beucher, L Moresi, J Giordani, J Mansour, D Sandiford, R Farrington, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (36), 1136, 2019
Numerical investigation of deep-crust behavior under lithospheric extension
M Korchinski, PF Rey, L Mondy, C Teyssier, DL Whitney
Tectonophysics 726, 137-146, 2018
Single-phase vs two-phase rifting: Numerical perspectives on the accommodation of extension during continental break-up
M Korchinski, C Teyssier, PF Rey, DL Whitney, L Mondy
Marine and Petroleum Geology 123, 104715, 2021
The role of surface processes in basin inversion and breakup unconformity
LS Mondy, PF Rey, G Duclaux
Geology 51 (2), 220-224, 2023
The origin of contractional structures in extensional gneiss domes: REPLY
PF Rey, L Mondy, G Duclaux, C Teyssier, DL Whitney, M Bocher, ...
Geology 45 (6), e416-e416, 2017
Systematic numerical analysis of modes of deformation localisation during extension of continental lithosphere.
M Korchinski, C Teyssier, P Rey, D Whitney, L Mondy
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
On the dynamics of continental rifting: a numerical modelling approach
L Mondy
Multiphase rifting of continental lithosphere under steady extension rate
M Korchinski, C Teyssier, D Whitney, PF Rey, LS Mondy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, T13F-0297, 2018
Numerical analysis on the competition between sedimentation and crustal flow: implication for rift-to-drift transition
M Korchinski, P Rey, C Teyssier, D Whitney, L Mondy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9049, 2018
Numerical experiments of volcanic dominated rifts and passive margins
M Korchinski, C Teyssier, P Rey, D Whitney, L Mondy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1132, 2017
The origin of contractional structures in extensional gneiss domes
L Mondy, P Rey, M Bocher, G Duclaux, C Prigent, C Teyssier, D Whitney
Geological Society of America, 2017
Numerical Experiments on the Role of the Lower Crust in the Development of Extension-driven Gneiss Domes
M Korchinski, PF Rey, CP Teyssier, LS Mondy, D Whitney
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, T11E-07, 2016
Numerical experiments on the role of buoyancy and rheology during the formation of extension-driven gneiss domes
M Korchinski, P Rey, C Teyssier, D Whitney, L Mondy
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-10619, 2016
3D Numerical Experiments of Lithospheric Transtension Reveal Complex Crustal-Scale Flow and Strain Partitioning in Transdomes
PF Rey, LS Mondy, G Duclaux, CP Teyssier, DL Whitney
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, T54C-02, 2015
Basin Inversion Along Passive Margins: Insights From 2/3-D Numerical Modelling
L Mondy*, PF Rey, G Duclaux
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
Asthenospheric Flow and Evolution of Continental Margins
PF Rey*, L Mondy, S Zahirovic, L Moresi
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
3D Geodynamic Modelling Reveals Stress and Strain Partitioning within Continental Rifting
LS Mondy, PF Rey, G Duclaux, LN Moresi
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014
3D Geodynamic Modelling Reveals Stress and Strain Partitioning within Continental Rifting
PF Rey, LS Mondy, G Duclaux, LN Moresi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, T34A-03, 2014
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Articles 1–20