Mingdong Wei
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Cited by
Experimental and numerical study on the fracture process zone and fracture toughness determination for ISRM-suggested semi-circular bend rock specimen
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, T Zhao, KW Xia
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 154, 43-56, 2016
An experimental and theoretical assessment of semi-circular bend specimens with chevron and straight-through notches for mode I fracture toughness testing of rocks
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, T Zhao, Y Liu
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 99, 28-38, 2017
Fracture prediction of rocks under mode I and mode II loading using the generalized maximum tangential strain criterion
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, Y Liu, T Zhao
Engineering fracture mechanics 186, 21-38, 2017
Stress intensity factors and fracture process zones of ISRM-suggested chevron notched specimens for mode I fracture toughness testing of rocks
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, T Zhao
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 168, 174-189, 2016
Mechanical responses and failure mechanism of hydrostatically pressurized rocks under combined compression-shear impacting
H Du, F Dai, Y Xu, Z Yan, M Wei
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 165, 105219, 2020
Influences of loading method and notch type on rock fracture toughness measurements: from the perspectives of T-stress and fracture process zone
M Wei, F Dai, Y Liu, A Li, Z Yan
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 4965-4986, 2021
Continuum analysis of the structurally controlled displacements for large-scale underground caverns in bedded rock masses
A Li, Y Liu, F Dai, K Liu, M Wei
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 97, 103288, 2020
Numerical assessment of the progressive rock fracture mechanism of cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc specimens
F Dai, MD Wei, NW Xu, Y Ma, DS Yang
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 463-479, 2015
A novel chevron notched short rod bend method for measuring the mode I fracture toughness of rocks
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, Y Liu, T Zhao
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 190, 1-15, 2018
Experimental and numerical study on the cracked chevron notched semi-circular bend method for characterizing the mode I fracture toughness of rocks
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, JF Liu, Y Xu
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 1595-1609, 2016
Numerical investigation of the progressive fracture mechanisms of four ISRM-suggested specimens for determining the mode I fracture toughness of rocks
F Dai, MD Wei, NW Xu, T Zhao, Y Xu
Computers and Geotechnics 69, 424-441, 2015
Three-dimensional numerical evaluation of the progressive fracture mechanism of cracked chevron notched semi-circular bend rock specimens
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, Y Xu, K Xia
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 134, 286-303, 2015
Experimental and numerical investigation of cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc specimen for fracture toughness testing of rock
MD Wei, F Dai, NW Xu, T Zhao
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 41 (1), 197-211, 2018
Dynamic tensile behavior of rocks under static pre-tension using the flattened Brazilian disc method
P Pei, F Dai, Y Liu, M Wei
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 126, 104208, 2020
A fracture model for assessing tensile mode crack growth resistance of rocks
M Wei, F Dai, Y Liu, R Jiang
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (2), 395-411, 2023
Dynamic response and failure mechanism of hydrostatically pressurized rocks subjected to high loading rate impacting
H Du, F Dai, Y Liu, Y Xu, M Wei
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 129, 105927, 2020
A further improved maximum tangential stress criterion for assessing mode I fracture of rocks considering non-singular stress terms of the Williams expansion
MD Wei, F Dai, JW Zhou, Y Liu, J Luo
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 3471-3488, 2018
Experimental investigation of fracture damage of notched granite beams under cyclic loading using DIC and AE techniques
J Tang, X Chen, F Dai, M Wei
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43 (7), 1583-1596, 2020
Mechanical behaviors of conjugate-flawed rocks subjected to coupled static–dynamic compression
P Feng, J Zhao, F Dai, M Wei, B Liu
Acta Geotechnica 17 (5), 1765-1784, 2022
Numerical investigation on dynamic fracture behavior of cracked rocks under mixed mode I/II loading
Y Li, F Dai, M Wei, H Du
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 235, 107176, 2020
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Articles 1–20